The Role of Marco Bank & Bankers

Marco Bank
2 min readOct 26, 2022


I always think about NFT values.
Where is the value of NFT created, how is it preserved, how is it raised?

I think there is an answer in the great community with the same interests, perfect rewards(feasible), business potential, whether to hold real assets of actual value, etc.
Of course, there is no perfect formula in the NFT market, so I always respect your opinion.

1. The Role of Marco Bank

Marco bank is like a web3 place with people who are interested in NFT, have invested directly, and are already active in various NFT communities.
They’re interested in a variety of NFT news, they like to make memes, and they’re also spending a lot of time on NFT’s value enhancement like me.

Marco Bank, built in the Twitter space, is a place where anyone who is interested in NFT can easily visit and anyone can become a banker.

Follow @only99money on Twitter

Along with them(you), Marco Bank will serve as an NFT promotion platform. FYI, countless companies, including Samsung and Hyundai Motor, are participating in the NFT market in Korea. In other words, Marco Bank will serve as a bridge between Korean NFT companies and overseas NFT holders.

2. The Role of Bankers & Rewards

Even if you become a banker at Marco Bank, you can live like a daily twitter life. Just press RT, Like on Marco Bank’s tweet(customer tweets only) on Twitter, there is nothing more to do. That’s it. It’s very simple, isn’t it?

Some of Marco’s bank sales will be distributed to our bankers.
Bankers will be rewarded with Eth, NFT or USD depending on Twitter activity. Naturally, compensation is paid differently depending on their Twitter influence.

The start is minimal, but as the number of bankers increases and the number of customers increases, there will be more roles we can play.
I can’t do anything by myself. When everyone is together, we can achieve anything. Do you all agree?

Detailed news from Marco Bank will be shared with bankers through discord and Twitter communities. If you want to become a banker at Marco Bank, please follow Twitter and visit the website below. Thank you.

Twitter :
Website :
Discord : Coming soon

