
The Carbonivore Fund

Margaret E. Atwood
3 min readAug 4, 2015
(Borut Trdina/Getty Images

Curated by Lee Schnaiberg of Montreal.
This fund doesn’t exist yet, but it could.

The Carbonivore Fund only invests in companies that take CO2 out of the air. If we are going to mitigate climate change, these companies will be some of the most important companies for humanity over the next 25 years. These are companies that will get us back to a safe 280 ppm CO2. Therefore they will be more important than Apple, more important than even Tesla.


Cool Planet (a biochar company) makes a carbon-negative gasoline. It can be used in any existing vehicle with a <$200 adaption. One gallon of Cool Planet fuel removes 30 lbs CO2 out of the atmosphere. A byproduct of making the fuel is CoolTerra, a carbon-rich soil amendment. (Cool Planet is private. Partners include Google Ventures, BP, ConocoPhillips, GE, NRG, North Bridge Venture Partners, and Exelon.) Their plan will remove 100 ppm of CO2 in less than 40 years. This video shows their rollout.


Calera captures CO2 and turns it into a new kind of cement. (Calera is private. Peabody Energy has a $15M interest.)


Skyonic uses waste heat from steel mills and refineries to “decarbonate” the emissions. Aside from CO2, Skyonic also traps 97–99% of the sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), mercury, and other heavy metals emitted from flue gases. They turn the CO2 into baking soda and bleach. Skyonic investors include: ConocoPhillips, Enbridge, Cenovus Energy, Bluecap Partners, Toyo-Thai Corporation, Energy Technology Ventures, Berg & Berg Enterprises, Northwater Capital Management, BP Ventures, PVS Chemicals and Zachry Corporation.


All Power Labs makes biomass power plants (15–150KWH), which also produce biochar as a byproduct, to lock CO2 into the ground for a few hundred years. (All Power Labs is self-financed and already selling +$5M/year but now with Tom Dinwoodie, founder of PowerLight, as an investor and member of the board. [great article])


Mantra Energy uses “electro-reduction of carbon dioxide” to take CO2 out of the waste stream and turn it into usable formic acid, formaldehyde and other hydrocarbons. (Mantra Energy penny stock OTCMKTS: MVTG)


Diacarbon, in British Columbia, makes a bio-coal suitable for coal-generation power plants. The Production of their coal leaves them with Biochar (trapped CO2 suitable for agriculture) to create a carbon-negative coal. (Diacarbon is private. Received $2M from Export Development Canada and $1M from Sustainable Development Technology Canada)


Carbon Cure retrofits concrete plants to trap the CO2 and recycle it into new concrete. Pangaea invested $3M. (Carbon Cure)


Codexis and CO2 Solutions both use enzymes to capture up to 40 times more CO2 from industrial plants (Codexis and CO2 Solutions NASDAQ:CDXS and CVE:CST)


Solazyme is the #1 algae fuel manufacturer. It supplies Californian gas stations and the US Navy with algae-biodiesel. They also sell a whole line of algae-based supplements at places such as Whole Foods, and skin care products at shops like Sephora. Solazyme is public (NASDAQ:SZYM). One acre of algae converts as much CO2 into oxygen and biomass as 1,400 acres of trees.


Algae Systems uses algae to clean wastewater. The process removes atmospheric CO2 and ends up with jet fuel, diesel, fertilizer and clean drinking water. Algae Systems has actually partnered a little with Global Thermostat, which makes sense because they both received funding from EBG Capital. (Algae Systems)


Forests. Permian Global and the IAFN are investment firms dedicated to the recovery of tropical forests to mitigate climate change. They re-grow both tropical forests and rainforests (which can be re-grown). Permian is a “private investment firm” and IAFN actually has an investment vehicle called Rich Forests; a partnership with local communities, NGOs, and investment groups.


Carbon Engineering is pursuing industrial-scale capture of CO2 from ambient air. David Keith in Calgary, Alberta. Angel funded.

