Baby Boomers: Honk Like A Girl 🚗

Margit Novack
Margit Novack
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2017


Someone cut in front of me, so I honked at him. It wasn’t much of a honk, more like a honklette. So I said to myself, “You honk like a girl.” “Like a girl”! Where did that come from? I thought about the video I had seen, “Always #LikeAGirl” and was ashamed of how sexist I sounded.

I grew up in the 50s, when negative stereotypes about girls were rampant. Here are a few of the sayings I, and women of my generation, grew up with:

  • Don’t be too smart, boys won’t like you.
  • Be a teacher or a nurse, they are good jobs for a girl.
  • Don’t go to law school; you’ll take the place of a man who needs to support his wife.
  • Do they give mortgages to women?
  • Girls aren’t good at math.
  • Girls aren’t supposed to have muscles.
  • Don’t sleep around. Why should they buy the cow when they can…



Margit Novack
Margit Novack

Founded @MoveSolver, @eSMMART, @NASMM. Senior Moving Pioneer. Breast Cancer SURVIVOR, 7x 3-Day Walker/Volunteer. Wife. (Grand)Mother. @MargitNovack🐦