Kuekinhas Soccer School

Mariana Barros
2 min readJun 15, 2022


Brazil has a national passion for soccer, this sport is watched and practiced in every town of the country. Among boys, it is more popular with different spaces to practice, mainly in slums of big cities. In the neighborhood where I live, “Parque Boa Esperança” has a social project in which volunteers teach and train soccer for kids.

This year, the project named “Kuekinhas Futsal” completes twenty years and continues to be an important space in the region and in the history of people who live here. The kids learn an important sport for Brazilian culture, but they also learn good lessons such as responsibilities, cooperation, healthy competitiveness, respect, sportive posture and more.

Other than that, during activities, they stay away from drugs and bad influences and they receive orientation about life from the coaches. Maybe none of them will become a professional soccer player, but they can be good people, good professionals and during childhood they can have fun and to dream.

The soccer school uses a school space and serves about eighty children a year. It’s possible to see the compromise from kids with the project and their happiness in participating in the training sessions. Currently, the young people who participated in the project when they were kids, are volunteers helping the new classes. I believe that this project changes lives and I hope it will continue existing for more twenty years, at least…



Mariana Barros

I am a Brazilian learning English. I have a degree in Advertising, and I am interested in culture, consumption, behavior, communication and social issues.