How to Create Prosperity as a SoulPreneur

Maria Gavriel
2 min readJan 19, 2018

Do you feel like you’re here to do something more?

Something that will help make a difference?

Do you wonder about how you can contribute to the world through a meaningful, abundant career?

Maybe you always felt like there was something only you have, but not really sure exactly how to put it out there.

The truth is that deep down, you already know that you can make a positive influence in the world, (and boost your career) because of your sincere intention to help others rise. Once you let that truth come through, you will unleash your true potential and unique offering. Your business and purpose will align. And with conscious, consistent action you will begin to enjoy an abundant life as a spiritual entrepreneur.

You get to contribute to the world from the comfort of your own home, with your family, and on your terms — your pace.

Whether you have no idea where to begin, or have way too many ideas, it’s important to simply begin somewhere — get the momentum started, and stay in action to keep it continously flowing. Each step counts because it accumulates to BIG success.

Each step will bring you closer to the work that you were meant to do. And as you fulfill on this deep agreement, you become an inspiration to those around you. Most importantly, you become a role model and lead by example for your family. This way, one day you can pass the torch onto them, so that they too can follow through on what they were meant to do.

Your soul-aligned career will leave you feeling empowered, fulfilled, joyful, grateful and at peace knowing that you’ve finally aligned with what you were born to do. Step into your possibility today. Our world is in need of what only you have. Your time is now.

So ask yourself right now…

What is ONE important key step that you will take today, and complete within the next week or sooner?

Write it down.

Go for it.

Enjoy all that it begins to bring into your life!

P.S. If you think your friends would find this useful, please share it with them — I’d really appreciate it (and they may too).

I would love to hear from you, so tell me your thoughts about the post, highlight what you loved, or just ask me a question.

If you’re wondering what to do next, or if there’s something standing in the way of your very first step, (or maybe you’re just attached to old patterns and perspectives, and don’t even realize it!), you may be inspired and moved further at

And of course, you can just connect with me directly if that makes it easier for you.



Maria Gavriel

Certified Life Coach, Author, Activist, Fierce Optimist & Mom helping you create the life and family you love. What’s your legacy?