Top Tips for Selling your Products and Services on Facebook

3 min readFeb 14, 2018


We are in the digital world and that is a naked fact. Those who tend to overlook this actuality and don’t want to change the dynamic world have a big difference from the ones who have opted to be digital. As the technology has brought a significant turnaround in every sector, the business world has benefited by far. With a lot of sellers looking for ways they can promote their goods and services, most of them have found a Facebook or rather FB as commonly known as one of the best digital sites for selling their product; and for real, it is a perfect tool for promotion of goods and services. You are well aware that almost every person has a Facebook account and sometimes even the newborns. Facebook is one of the social media sites that has a good reputation and has been there for quite a long time. The good thing about it is that it is easy to sign up and to log in. there are countless reasons why a lot of people prefer this site for selling their products and services. As selling on Facebook has become somehow very common and popular, you also need to make sure that you have utilized the chance to promote your products on this handy site. You will, however, need to be a bit creative when selling on FB so that your products and promotion can beat that of your competitors. Analyzed below are some of the things that you need to do so that you stand out on the Facebook comment selling of your products.

Clear and professional branding photos and videos

Your business logos, web design, and product photo shooting must be as clear, pertinent and appealing as possible. It pays to find a graphic designer to help you design a web page and logo for your products. An objective view of your design ideas from trained personnel can often have significant benefit to product and web page fame in spite of what you think of your own work. Take clear pictures of your products with simple backgrounds and natural lighting. You just need to have the right light conditions, a sturdy hand and the accurate setting on your camera. With this arrangement and some trial and error, you can attain sparkling images. It’s always best to show your product and services in the environment it is projected for so that customers get a good understanding of its use. For more information about marketing techniques, check out

Get familiar with Facebook etiquette.

Facebook has a lot of supportive discussions concerning competitions, tagging, alternative to soldise marketing and simple topics such as relations with other selling pages.

Make an effort to thank and return comments and likes

Whether your comments and likes are from a business or individual pages, always thank them for supporting you and do your best to take a good time to chat with them. You never know that you can win a potential customer out of that new contact by using some simple courtesy. You must also make sure that you make prompt response to these comments. For you to be successful in selling on Facebook, you must concentrate on making a lot of interactions.

If you promise something such as a new product or sale make sure that it is accomplished

Never ever make a mistake of making some empty promises as your potential customers will flea as they will think that you are not reliable. So if you post that there is a new product on the way coming, make sure that they are available in your stores on the day promised.

