Design in Daily Life (an Ironhack exercise)

María Alejandra Pérez
3 min readDec 27, 2019


Design is presented every day and in everything we do. In this post, I will share my experience with another Ironhack exercise that was part of my prework. The goal of the exercise was to start applying design principles to my daily routine in order to analyze what things that I faced every day provided a good or bad user experience.

For this exercise I used sketchnotes to present the good and bad user experiences that I ran into. The inspiration for using sketchnotes came from another exercise for which you can find the story here.

My top 3 Worst UX of my everyday life

From top to bottom: Barcelona Metro Turnstiles, Barcelona metro tickets, Renfe APP

Barcelona Metro Turnstiles

  • They are very prone to errors (most tourists never now which is the correct way to go).
  • There is no proper indication on how to enter them.

Barcelona Metro tickets

  • Not sustainable.
  • Do not listen to users need (a lot of users have been asking through social media for a rechargeable metro card).
  • Bad material (they can get damaged pretty easily).

Renfe APP

  • Outdated (not a timeless design).
  • It’s prone to errors.
  • No match between system and real world (the errors are codes).

My top 3 Best UX of my everyday life

From top to bottom: Amazon APP, Santander APP, Smart bus stops

Amazon APP

  • Innovative
  • Listen to users needs
  • Makes you want to come back

Santander APP

  • Easy to understand
  • Simple

Smart bus stops

  • Sustainable
  • UCD
  • Simple
  • Responsible
  • Listen to users needs

Special mention

This last design has many great features that simplify my day but also has a few pain points too.

NFC synchronized cat feeder

I have two cats that love to eat off each others food bowls. This resulted in one of the cats always eating less. To fix this, we bought two cat feeders with NFC.

Each feeder is synchronized with of the cats microchips, so that the feeder only opens if the cat with the correct microchip comes near it.

+Plus side: it’s easy to use and the cats got use to it in a week

-Down side: the back of the feeder is open so it’s easy for my cats to still steal each other foods.

We fix the down side by teaching our cats that they should eat off their bowls only (this required quite a lot of patience and treats).

Recently I’ve seen that this brand sells an extra part that can be put on the back of the feeder to close it, I just feel like for the price (94‎€ on Amazon) they should already make it part of the complete design.

