Why Use Organic Makeup

Marie Coleman
3 min readJun 7, 2016


Majority of women wear makeup these days. In fact, a lot of women can’t live without it. This is because of the fact that it easily transforms the woman into someone beautiful and appealing. But though it can enhance beauty and appearance, one has to know that this can pose risk to one’s health as well. Results of researches made link this product to the development of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. And this has been one of the major concerns of health professionals and wellness communities these days.

Because of the health risks that many cosmetic products pose these days, experts suggest that women must choose organic makeup brands. They are safe since they are made from natural ingredients. And they are now used to fight against the growing health concern in the cosmetic industry.

Organic makeups are more preferable because they are eco-friendly. Do you know that conventional make-ups use petroleum based ingredients? Meaning, there are so many chemicals needed for their production. Unfortunately, these substances are harsh such as aluminum, petroleum, lead and many others. And many of them came from the nature that we hope to preserve such as Amazon rainforest. These areas of the Earth are damaged and destroyed, only to manufacture additional products that will be used by mankind. Aluminum mining for instance destroys the wide swaths of South America’s rainforest. This is on top of the research linking aluminum to breast cancer as well as Alzheimer’s disease. Organic makeup does not have any harsh chemicals. Hence, it won’t irritate your sensitive skin. The chemicals used by conventional make-ups can damage your endocrine system. Phthalates and parabens are common substances used widely on cosmetics. They are however linked to type II diabetes and cancer. In fact, the Environment Protection Agency warns public against exposing t these kinds of products.

Meanwhile, organic make-ups have natural fragrance too. Let’s face it, to some people, fragrance is very important, especially when it comes to beauty products. A conventional makeup can be distinguished by the way it smells. You can sense that this has been manufactured using layers of chemicals by simply smelling on it. And it poses health risk once you start wearing it since you will surely inhale it. Man-made scents are often linked to cancer, allergies, CNS disorders as well as birth defects. Aside from getting into your lungs, the chemicals will also be absorbed through your skin. Hence, toxic compounds can get into your system.

On the other hand, use makeups that have 100% natural ingredients. One example of a natural perfume is the essential oil. On the other hand, organic make-ups are rich in nutrients. Hence, they favor your health too. Organic makeup is also used for its anti-ageing properties. They have anti-oxidant and sunscreen protection.

For more details on organic makeups, check this page as an example. This way, you will have cleared understanding on the benefits that organic products have to offer.

