Chelsea Physic Garden: A brief history.

Marielle Phillips
2 min readJan 31, 2016


The Chelsea Physic Garden was established as the Apothecaries’ Garden in London in 1673, with the purpose of training apprentices in identifying plants. In 1876 the Garden enlarged its educational aspirations by deciding to run a lecture course for young women who were training as botany teachers. At the end of the 19th century the trustees of the City Parochial Foundation agreed to take over the running of the Garden from the Society of Apothecaries, thus transforming it into The Chelsea Physic Garden that we recognise today. The word “Physic” refers to the science of healing.The Chelsea Physic Garden has developed a major role in public education, focusing on the renewed interest in natural medicine.

Today the garden is home to Britain’s first garden of ethnobotany which refers to the study of the botany of different ethnic groups and indigenous peoples.The Garden of World Medicine also houses the Garden of Medicinal Plants, tracing the chronology of plant remedies over almost an acre, from ancient Greek herbs to plants that are likely to be used in future medicine.

What interested me the most during the visit was the notion of healing. The idea that in the middle of London sat a haven of botany with the potential to heal. By walking around The Garden of World Medicine, it led me to thinking about different cultures methods of healing, most specifically Asian medicine. Asian art is something I would like to develop further in my research.

Tour of the garden:

