7 Reasons Why Benchmarking in Business Is Important

Mariia Gurkina
4 min readAug 5, 2022


Benchmarking is an essential tool that businesses can use to follow modern trends within their industry related to sales and customer service. Using this technique they can determine the best standard of performance based on other companies’ success.

Do you want to know more? So let’s explore what benchmarking is and seven reasons why benchmarking in business is still important.

What is benchmarking?

Simply put, benchmarking is a process to discover what is the best standard of performance seen in a specific company, by a particular competitor or by a completely different industry.

The process of benchmarking involves four distinct steps:

  • Identifying the areas
  • Making a shortlists of the companies/industries
  • Collecting data
  • Analyzing the data

7 reasons benchmarking is important for business

There are several reasons why benchmarking in business is important. These reasons include:

1. Increase effectiveness and efficiency

Performing regular benchmarks contributes to a company’s overall effectiveness and efficiency! You can easily identify any potential spheres of improvement. If your sales do not leave desired results, try to do benchmarking. It can help to improve your sales, marketing points, customer support and advertising.

Benchmarking is also about looking at other business and ask what makes them successful in the industry!

2. Set clear business goals

Performing regular benchmarks will allow you to set clearer business goals for your organization.

Understanding why the competition is succeeding will give you important insight that will allow you to create goals by defining success, develop innovative strategies to make an impact and effectively monitor your progress. As you can monitor the progress, be sure to make any adjustments when necessary to improve sales of your organization.

3. Provide new opportunity for development

Another point why benchmarking in business is important is because it gives you a way to discover new opportunities for increased growth and success.

Performing benchmarks allows you to identify the areas to improve. By assessing what other companies are doing to be successful, you can develop a plan to boost performance and take advantage of new opportunities.

4. Increase business sales performance

Strong sales are a good indicator of a company’s overall success, but not having the appropriate insight to understand your sales performance can create a big problem.

Benchmarking provides an opportunity to assess your sales figures and compare them to that of the most successful organizations in your niche. For example, you could examine how much another company is selling, how many people they have on their sales team, how many sales teams they have and where they are located.

5. Motivate employees

The best benchmarking to increase employee motivation is benchmark tests that evaluate the competition’s individual departments. You then compare these results to the departments within your own organization and set goals to match the competition.

You could also implement recognition or reward programs to ensure employees are recognized for their efforts and stay motivated.

6. Better understand the competition

An obvious reason why benchmarking in business is important is that it allows you to better understand your competition as a whole. Understanding the competition’s methods of operation and what’s contributing to their overall success allows you to expand your current operations and increase overall productivity and performance.

7. Improve quality of product

You can also use benchmarking to assess your current product quality and improve upon it. You could purchase another company’s product, analyze what makes it different from yours and come up with ways to outperform that product.

Final thoughts

Benchmarking practice is a very efficient tool especially for small businesses.

Once you’ve spent sufficient time studying the competition and have a good idea of their processes, you can begin creating your own success of the company and eventually you will be able to become that company to set a good example for other ones.

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Mariia Gurkina

Hi, there! I am a Content Writer who is passionate about design & video games