How to Make Money From Blogging in 5 Steps?

Mariia Gurkina
3 min readAug 26, 2022


Good news: You don’t need to be an influencer or have a huge social media audience to make great money writing blog posts.

Every minute, hour, day millions of different blog posts are being published. The volume of content and data feels so intimidating to many users, that it becomes more challenging to be noticed by your target audience.

It’s easy to start a blog, but it requires more than just your time to grow and monetize it. It demands a lot of patience and dedication.

And if you really like blogging and feel passionate about it, you will undoubtedly succeed in this sphere, eventually earning your first money and building your passive income!

If you want to know more about how to start a blog that makes you money, there are certain steps you’ll want to take first to set yourself up for success. Let’s define 5 steps how to start a blog.

How to Start a Blog in 5 Steps

Depending on your blog’s niche — and your goals — the exact steps you’ll need to take may vary:

  1. Select a niche.
  2. Choose the name and blog hosting.
  3. Think of design and blogging tools.
  4. Create helpful content.
  5. Engage with your audience.

№1: Select a Niche

What do you want to start blogging about? Do you have a passion for starting a blog on this topic? Once you’ve answered this question, look a bit deeper how your new blog posts in this niche can differ from what’s already out there.

Think about the audience you want to reach. Sometimes establishing your niche is more about specifying a certain audience than a certain topic.

№2: Choose the name and blog hosting

Try to think of something unique and engaging.

Look for a platform that offers a seamless experience for the end-user. While there are several to choose from, each has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before deciding which is best.

A website builder service like Weebly, Wix, or Squarespace can help you quickly launch a website.

№3: Think of design and blogging tools.

If you work in a creative industry, pay attention to platforms that allow to post a big gallery of photo or video materials.

Choose right colours and small details to make your content easier and more engaging to read.

№4: Create helpful content

The most important step in how to start a blog successfully is to publish engaging, useful blog posts that keep readers coming back for more. Take some time to dive into the mind of your audience and write down what topics you believe they’re most interested in. Each new blog post you publish should also have a call to action, especially if you’re wanting to monetize.

№5: Engage with your audience.

After you publish every post, do not forget to engage with your audience in the comment section.

Be constant in posting!

How Do Bloggers Get Paid?

There are several ways to make money from starting a blog:

  • Ad networks: Show display ads from Google AdSense on your web pages, then focus on getting as many eyeballs to your pages as possible.
  • Affiliate links: Review products made and sold by others, then use affiliate links to get a cut of the transaction revenue with just a few clicks.
  • Sponsored posts: Have a business or brand pay you to review their product or write guest blog posts on their blog.
  • Services, programs, or products: Develop your own offers and sell them directly to your readers.
  • Paid subscriptions: Give readers access to exclusive content for a monthly rate.

Final thoughts: Do not be afraid to start and once you start, be persistent and constant. Show a lot of dedication to the work you do.

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Mariia Gurkina

Hi, there! I am a Content Writer who is passionate about design & video games