Defi, Gardening and Retiring Early…It Can Be Sexy!

5 min readSep 12, 2022


3% daily growth returns from a garden, planting seeds and growing plants — come on now, you cannot be serious?

Garden Life

In the world of Crypto DeFi it seems a powerful move (if they get it right) is to develop an ecosytem built on sustainability and growth.
The Drip ecosystem is one such protocol and a ‘quite little sleeper’ within this system just maybe The Drip Garden.

Yet another project that has captured and drawn me in thirsting for my high risk investment dollars. And I do just that, feeding in my dollars week on week.

I feel late, yet we are all still so early.

It is only recent (late August 2022) that I jumped into the Garden as another DeFi investment play. Yet I first got into the Drip (Faucet) project back in late March. The entire Animal Farm project linked to Drip all looked farcical and frankly overwhelming and whats with all these random names (Garden, Pigs, Dogs, Pig Pen, Farms etc…) how the heck can I take any of this seriously?

Have you read Animal Farm by George Orwell? It is around that theme.

As I cut my way through the weeds I can start to see the beauty of the Garden and what it could potentially offer.

My play by play:

  1. Grow my Garden, for the next 3 months…actually 2 months and 16 days to be exact and less if I add in more funds and get my plants numbers to over 2,000,000 plants that will generate myself daily LPs (image #1)
  2. Claim those LPs around 2 to 3 x per week so as to not take away from further growth.
  3. Move those LP’s in the Farms (Drip/BUSD), stake them and collect PIGS token as rewards.
  4. Move those PIGS tokens in the Pig Pen in which you earn rewards as a percentage from the entire ecosystem itself.
  5. Adjustability, as I learn more about the system as a whole I will revise my strategy in the best way to optimise my allocations to maximise rewards and add value to the system as best I can.
  6. Collect profits when I am ready, month to month throughout 2023.

At this stage I am already getting my 3% daily growth returns which I compound 2 x per day (is this classed as hyper-compounding, maybe).

Image 1

Generating over 64,000 plants per day

Plant per day — left column

It is hard to give any dollar figures as in returns per day (currently over $12 per day), because the Garden value is based on weather the Drip token rises or falls and is magnified either up or down based on Drip.
With the bullish news coming down the pipeline very soon as in The Farms relaunch (18th October), hyper marketing push, updated UI’s making the entire system look and feel much more professional there sure is some pumped up experts and influencers all over YouTube and Medium discussing their thoughts and beliefs (hunt them out as I am not one of them)
This is truely the accumulation and gain knowledge time by following your favourite Drip ecosystem expert ( I have my own) find yours by simply searching YouTube and see who you most resonate with to learn from.

Animal Farm Ecosystem Home Page (current)

Explore for yourself if you wish. Or sit back and wait for my updates month on month to see if I am chasing a fantasy or closer to freedom. Count down is on for late January 2023 target for myself from the combination of all my Crypto plays and investing. There is somewhat ‘game theory’ involved to all these things and I was never a gamer, I was a wannabe athlete.

Of course I have a referral link…you asked for it yes?
The Garden


From the image above, the DRIP Garden increases buying power over time and as the balance of the contract grows ensuring that you will always get a fair rate. There is still a benefit to getting in early because the earlier your plants get in the ground the larger you can grow your garden and out perform the competition.

How To Garden With DRIP/BUSD Garden

Step 1. Buy plants using DRIP/BUSD LP tokens.
Step 2. Your plants will start producing seeds, the DRIP/BUSD LP value of these seeds will be displayed on your Garden dashboard. You can compound using the seeds in your barrel to increases your seed production rate.
Step 3. Alternatively, you can sell the seeds and the plants in your Gardens will continue producing seeds.
The plants in your gardens produce seeds non-stop. A 24hr timer has been added for your convenience. You can plant (compound) or sell (withdraw) your seeds at any time.

I will write up a step by step guide article how to invest money which is basically from your MetaMask wallet into the Garden, what to do daily (press one button, the compound button) and a few tools I use to assist. For those that are interested just hit the clap button on this article so I can see people actually read this stuff haha.

So after all said and done, remember this certainly is not financial advice. This is just a man on a sovereign journey ignited from the C19 BS debacle who liquidated his accommodation company mid 2020 and decided to source more flexible ways of making money, who believes Crypto (Blockchain) is the future and greatest opportunity to generate wealth, create freedom and have choices. A man who is sourcing a secondary citizenship for global access as I am currently in the middle of applying for my Croatian citizenship through decent.

DYOR and escape the Matrix, as they showed their true colours these past few years. So more self action is called for and we all hope Crypto and DeFi can be a good part of that search for independent freedom.

Wishing us all the success we can create!




Kiwi Croatian creating a sovereign life through a Crypto journey