A Comprehensive Guide for Woodworm Treatment

Mark Christopher
2 min readJul 27, 2017


Wood, especially in damp climate areas, is susceptible to different types of external attacks such as mold and infestations. The furniture that you use in your home or offices is constantly exposed to such dangers. Since furniture is one of the most important investments that you make in your home, you would want to use it as long as it is in a good state. If you wish to make your timber or any other wood furniture durable, you must shield it from all types of external attacks, especially from woodworm infestation.

What are Woodworms?

Woodworm infestation is one of the most commonly found wood problems in the homes of South London. Woodworm is not a name of a wood-eating insect but a common name given to the insects that damage the wood. These insects live under the surface of the wood and eat up the wood, thus, making it weak and hollow over the time. Some of the insects that fall under the woodworm label include deathwatch beetles, house longhorn beetles, and powder post beetles. Although all these insects like eating wood but their taste in wood differs. For instance, Deathwatch beetles feed on infected oak and elm, especially when they are infected with wood-decay fungus, whereas, the House Longhorn beetles attack the softwood.

Reasons for Woodworm Infestation

There are many reasons that lead to woodworm infestation. Some of the common reasons behind the woodworm attack are listed as follows:

Damp Wood: Damp wood is easier for the insects to chew and breed.

Wood Decay: Wood decay is the rotting of wood by the enzymatic activities of microscopic organisms. The rotten wood is again easy for the insects to eat.

Sapwood: The trunk of a tree has several layers. The sapwood is a nutrient-rich layer. Woodworms such as House Longhorn beetles feed on furniture made from this layer of wood. Furniture made from heartwood, which is the second innermost layer of wood, is less susceptible to infestation.

Woodworm Treatment

If you notice holes in your wood and a fine, powdery dust around them, your wood needs an immediate treatment. You can treat woodworm infestation by:

● Keeping the wood dry

● Sealing the wood surface with varnish

● Replacing the infected wood wherever possible

If the problem persists or looks serious, contact the timber treatment or woodworm treatment service providers in South London. These service providers are experts in eradicating the wood infestation and related issues as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the issue, they will treat the wood by using the above-stated methods and also by chemical treatment.

Author’s bio: The author is a blogger. This article gives comprehensive information on woodworm treatment

