United Colors of Benetton

Mark Giusti
4 min readMay 21, 2014

United Colors of Benetton, a company that sell clothes for males and females. They have been doing the most interesting types of advertisements. I would have never thought it would have been clothes company behind them.

This one’s for the fridge

An add form 1991. We see a family portrait made from different races. We have an African-American women on the right a Caucasian women on the left and an Asian baby. All shared by one blanket, symbolizing we are all alike. there aren't favorites or hierarchy. They are even showing its okay to be homosexual. It all bonds together with the hand of the two women touching together on the child.

An odd bouquet

Another campaign regarding regarding racialism. A simple, yet effective image that displays three heart with the words white, black and yellow. Each referring to different races. An excellent quote spoken by Shakespeare “ If you prick us, do we not bleed? ” What he means is that on the inside we are all the same, identical. Why hate on others if we are all brothers and sisters? Simple yet effective add.

Sentenced without words

Another campaign where the public and the U.S isnt very happy with. We see in the image four people sentenced to capital punishment for there actions. Very pro-life in this campaign. Unfortunately, the families of the victims in this program where upset to say the least, and a right to be, to see there family members up on a bill board for a cloths company. We see that the company goes for sensative matters in the world around them and twists them to there advantage for shocking publicity.

Red to your head

This campaign was towards human rights. Released to the public in 1994, we see a pair of army trousers and a bloody shirt with bullet holes. Clothes belonging to a Bosnian soldier who was unfortunately shot in the chest leaving, a brutal image afterwards. We can see, through out the years the subject of these campaigns change accordingly. First with racism and this with human rights.

UNHATE program.

And finally last but not least, the UNHATE program. There latest and certainly one of the most controversial and spoken about. In this program we have more than one photo with two major people kissing. A simple kiss. Its fake if it wasn't clear enough, done using image editing software to make it look very realistic. In this image we have Nicolas Sarkozy ex-president of France kissing the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

UNHATE program

In this image we have the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, kissing leader of the peoples public of China, Hu Jintao. In another image we see ex-pope, Benedict the XVI, kissing Al-Azhar. It got allot of negative comments from the Vatican, and them responding to United colors of Benetton with pressing legal actions against them.

With all this law suits against the company, making it in the top headlines of the news, there name, United Colors Of Benetton all over. I never heard about them before the UNHATE program. Although effective it seems they are digging there own grave .

Top 10 Controversial United Colors of Benetton Ads , N.A. [online] Available at:[http://top10buzz.com/top-ten-controversial-united-colors-of-benetton-ads/].

The Story Of Benetton’s Advertisement Campaigns , 2000 [online] Available at:[http://www.icmrindia.org/casestudies/catalogue/Marketing/The%20Story%20Of%20Benetton's%20Advertisement%20Campaigns.htm].

