See the Future: Mojo Augmented Reality Contact Lens

Mark Zoetrope
3 min readDec 11, 2022


Mojo Augmented Reality Contact Lens

Mojo vision is creating a contact lens and has a working prototypes

What was only a science fiction dream will soon become a reality. With the miniaturization of displays we have gotten closer to a lens you can put in your eye and see augmented reality.

What’s augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world with computer-generated content. The content can span multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory.


What is MicroLed?

The smallest, densest display available. They have multiple applications but the AR Contact Lens is a natural use.

The lens also has a battery, processor, wireless radio, eye-tracking software, and other custom tech that allows the lens to line up the display with the real world you are viewing.

What does the display look like?

As with any AR, it can’t block the reality in front of you, it should just add useful information where and when you need it. Mojo Vision has released this example:

The eye-tracking is very precise because it’s on your eye, which makes using the lens completely hands-free.

Why is this better than AR glasses?

AR glasses can fog up, and like all glasses get heavy or uncomfortable. This would be like normal contacts, with you always, ready to be used. The contact lens also functions like a normal lens and corrects your vision.

Is it safe?

It’s a medical-grade contact lens that’s been used for years and the tech is safely embedded inside it. Mojo is going through the same process as any medical-grade product would go through and will need FDA approval to release the final product.

When can I buy one?

It’s still at the prototype phase, there’s more work to be done. But keep an eye (pun intended) on Mojo and any other companies that try to enter this space. It seems like an obvious extension of current AR options and the one that will make AR an everyday reality.

More info and source for much of this article:

