Why People Fall for Get-Rich-Quick Schemes (And How To Avoid Them)

Mark Hade
6 min readJan 9, 2024

The lure of getting rich quickly without much effort tempts many people into making poor financial decisions. In reality, unsustainable wealth built overnight on things like speculation, leverage or fraud often disappears just as fast.

Sustainable wealth accumulation is typically achieved gradually through patience, discipline and focusing on fundamentals over shortcuts. By understanding the root psychological drivers behind get-rich-quick susceptible thinking, you can self-correct risky assumptions and behaviors. Surrounding yourself with wise advisors who have actually built wealth methodically over decades also provides grounding when tempted by overnight promise.

Examining Vulnerabilities to Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

Get-rich-quick schemes prey on common human vulnerabilities like fear, greed, arrogance and the need to belong. Constant barrage of messages today intensifies the fear of missing out (FOMO) when flashy offers present illusion that everyone else but you rapidly achieves wealth and status this way. Pride in feeling smarter than the masses or an overly optimistic belief in being the lucky exception stems from immaturity and lack of wisdom gained through failure. Without good modeling, people gravitate toward the path of least resistance instead of questioning potential downsides.

During periods of uncertainty like recessions or pandemics, scams rise as anxiety increases around health, mortality, inflation and providing for family. Seeing prices spike tempts people struggling financially to make impulsive speculative gambles trying to catch up fast. Mix inalgorithmically-customized content keeping your eyes glued to success stories of instant crypto millionaires or viral TikTok day traders. This endless highlight reel plants the psychological seed that sustainable wealth must come lightning fast, or you are being left behind by your peers.

In reality, get-rich-quick seekers represent just a tiny fraction of outliers lucky enough to cash out before schemes collapse. And survivorship bias masks the vastly more frequent stories of financial devastation once exit doors close. Repeated cycles confirm most overnight wealth builders end up broke, in debt and back where they started in short order.

Countering Get-Rich-Quick Vulnerabilities

Combat forces psychologically nudging you toward risky get-rich-quick opportunities by purposefully surrounding yourself with wise perspectives not motivated by selling at all costs. Lean on trusted advisors who over decades built wealth slowly using time-tested conventional strategies. They can neutrally assess ideas detached from the aggressive promotional pressures of today’s influencer-driven hype cycles.

Rather than fearing missing short-term spikes, relax avoiding impulsive reactions by focusing on your long-term lifestyle inflation rate. Commit to your financial plan built on historically reasonable return assumptions, not pie in the sky projections used to manufacture urgency.

Ground yourself by visualizing previous failed speculative bubbles, not just the lucky few at the top. Think through second- and third-order consequences rather than fixating on headline promises. And reflect on why generations experienced in wealth building still rely on conventional diversification aligned with risk profiles instead of betting disproportionately on volatile moonshot assets.

Healthy humility acknowledges you cannot shortcut the key principles of small amounts invested early and often that compound substantially over long time horizons. Prior generations built wealth slowly through frugality, cash flow, equity and persistence. Assumptions that some new invention suddenly accelerates this process should face intense skepticism. Unless you believe you possess once-in-a-generation business insight or proprietary edge, wealth building fundamentals stand the test of time.

Avoiding Financial Devastation of Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

Think back through history at concepts that promised sustainable overnight wealth like subprime mortgages, luxury collectables, gold, emerging markets, Beanie Babies, profitless IPOs, bitcoin and obscure coin offerings. In every case, late majority adopters after meteoric price rises got crushed by sudden collapses.

By fixating daily on short-term gains, people took on inappropriate risk levels despite lacking skill or insider access. Allowing fear and greed in the pursuit of quick wealth destroyed livelihoods and life savings rapidly. Worst of all, many doubled down repeatedly in a desperate attempt to regain losses by chasing increasingly risky bets.

Make it through the early innings of hot new markets with big gains but foolishly refusing to sell positions appropriately continues this dangerous cycle. People lacking understanding of portfolio management assume early winnings indicate their intellectual superiority rather than short-term luck. In reality, amateur speculation contains no defined exit strategy, so temporary profits inevitably surrender back.

Countless doctors, lawyers, celebrities and working professionals throughout history sabotaged financially by believing overnight hype. Do not assume you alone have the necessary skill, emotional discipline or comprehension of downside risks in complex financial vehicles.

Be Wary of Making Forever Financial Decisions During Temporary Emotional States

Avoid making financial decisions during temporary peaks and valleys of life that distort objectivity about risk-taking. Periods of extreme exuberance over stimulates imagination and optimism around shortcuts. Alternatively, stretches mired in frustration like job loss or health problems pressuring urgent action tempts people to embrace elevated risk against their normal judgement.

Promoters exploit these vulnerabilities by declaring once-in-a-generation opportunities when eminent collapse necessitates immediate long shot speculation. In practice, no financial decision holds such singular import that requires abandoning measured historical wisdom on realistic return assumptions and portfolio balance.

Wait out temporary highs and lows until thinking clears rather than believing crisis moments uniquely apply to you. Favor spreading risk across diverse asset classes over concentration. And default toward skepticism when promoters insist uniquely prognostic abilities or glimpses behind curtain justifying abandonment of conventional positioning strategies.

If an investment vehicle exists for many years but you only now heard of its wealth creation powers, doubt the longevity of still achieving outsized returns and focus on missing key risks versus what excites. Any path to overnight wealth creating sustained income would spread globally long before your discovery.

Letting Curiosity Overwhelm Judgement opens the door to empty promises so consistently throughout history. Fraudulent schemes only still exist by finding new victims, so the mere existence of something does not confirm potential as a repeatable path to build wealth.

Portland Beyond Traditional media Breaking Your Frame to See Reality

Journalism and internet content frequently mislead audiences by exaggerating marginal events rather than focusing on disciplined wealth building strategies positively impacting millions. Avoid letting curiosity about anomalies overwhelm judgement on what historically drives financial success across society.

Concentrate attention toward prudent allocation, insurance protection and savings rates from earned income vs speculation. Repeatedly verify your thinking against advisors steadily built wealth using conventional positions over decades.

Do not let fascination with lottery ticket outcomes overshadow activities that methodically compound growth via ownership rights. Sustainable wealth creation requires sweat equity and deferred gratification, not passive Wilson gambling popularized as easy first steps.

ALWAYS QUESTION HOW OTHERS ACHIEVE SUSTAINED PASSIVE CASH FLOW FOCUSED ON CAPTURING UPSIDE WITHOUT DOWNSIDE PROTECTION. Any concept financially benefiting you relies on losses incurred by another party somewhere.

Progress beyond traditional media narratives breaking expected frames of reference to see reality. Promises of achieving income streams disconnected from proportional contributions should face intense skepticism. If experts spend decades providing specialized skills that clientele continually pay for in exchange, doubt systems claiming equivalent lifestyles while bypassing difficult skill development.

Final Thoughts

Be wary of get-rich-quick schemes playing on typical human vulnerabilities like greed, fear and the need to belong. Surround yourself with grounded advisors successfully built wealth over long time horizons using conventional positions aligned with risk profiles. Avoid financial decisions during temporary emotional peaks and valleys distorting objectivity. Question anything dramatically accelerating wealth relative to historical norms. And compare promises against real world examples over decades versus hypothetical assumptions.

Sustainable wealth creation relies on consistency over decades, not speculation. But that truth proves far less sexy advice to sell than overnight transformation. Your journey likely involves no shortcut despite a never ending stream of operations claiming otherwise. Be the exception breaking self destructive cycles by focusing on owning income producing assets, measured stock and bond portfolio growth plus practical savings rates from a lifetime of solving business problems. Achieving financial peace of mind works generations proven the time tested way with patience.



Mark Hade

I break down complex topics in finance, tech & psychology, aiming to uncover useful truths to inform & empower readers.