What is cryptocurrency?

3 min readMay 29, 2018


Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency. The value of the currency is not tied to any country or to any central bank.

The price is determined by demand and supply.

When will cryptocurrencies replace money?

In today’s society cryptocurrency is already performing the same functions as traditional money.

Cash and non-cash types of money will integrate to preform functions more efficiently.

What’s MarketC?

MarketC is an open source project providing decentralized finance solutions.

MarketC’s development team builds a trading system that uses Blockchain basis - a technology platform is considered to be the greatest invention since the internet appeared.

CMK is the cryptocurrency that represents MarketC, which acts as a common physical currency. However, you will keep your money instead of any banking institution.

CMKs are transferred directly from person to person via the net without going through a bank or clearinghouse. This means that the fees are much lower, you can use them in every country, your account cannot be frozen and there are no prerequisites or arbitrary limits.

You can buy and sell CMKs for dollars, euros and more in several currency exchanges.

Your CMKs are kept in your digital wallet on your computer or mobile device.

Sending bitcoins is as simple as sending an email and you can purchse anything with CMK.

The MarketC network is secured by individuals called miners. Miners are rewarded newly generated bitcoins for verifying transactions. After transactions are verified they are recorded in a transparent public ledger.

That means MarketC is really private, instant, secure and transparent.

MarketC opens up a whole new platform for innovation.

The platform is completely open source and anyone can review the transaction code and develop their own ecosystem-based applications based on the source code of MarketC.

A, B or MarketC Revolutionary Blockchain Technology

What is outstanding of MarketC compared with other payment methods?

Different from other blockchain networks, where all work is done by the miner on a single network, MarketC uses a two-tier network.

The second layer consists of dedicated masternodes. These are complete nodes — complete blockchain cryptocurrency computers that help enforce network rules. Masternodes integrated with a number of advanced features such as “PrivateSend” and “InstantSend”.

MarketC is a breakthrough in payment convenience, a new development in digital payment because it can eliminate the disadvantages in traditional payment.

Join the MarketC community on Telegram so we can share and answer your questions about MarketC.

Or visit the Website: marketc.net for more information.

1. Website: https://MarketC.net
2. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marketc.community
3. Telegram:
https://t.me/marketcofficialchannel (MarketC Announcements channel)
https://t.me/joinchat/HiPVKRMFh7-oleJ_dTpcVA (MarketC Community Group)


👉Wallet: https://wallet.marketc.net/login
Status: http://marketchain.info/insight/

1. Whitepaper: https://marketc.net/media/MARKETCWHITEPAPER.pdf
2. FAQ: https://marketc.net
3. Github: https://github.com/search?q=cmkcore&type=Commits

1. MarketC Introduce: https://bit.ly/2IFHYCh
2. MarketC Presale and ICO: https://bit.ly/2kfOMYS
3. Mining Guide: https://bit.ly/2LuDXP9

Youtube Video
https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCFkd-kIdiv67CQkV77d41xw? View_as = subscriber




MarketC is an open source project providing decentralized finance solutions. MarketC's development team builds a trading system that uses Blockchain basis