What is RGB.market?

9 min readSep 6, 2018


The Blockchain technology opens the new horizons for business which technical restrictions and imperfection of software products don’t allow to use fully yet.

RGB.market — is a retail and exchange operator for crypto-currency community.

Features of an ecosystem of RGB.market

Over the last ten years transition to digital model in modern economy takes a form of a steady tendency. Old models of electronic trading platforms take key positions in the market now, but after emergence of the blockchain technology essentially new opportunities of development of the e-commerce services have opened.

RGB.market — is a double-circuit ecosystem combining elements of classical electronic commerce and hi-tech decisions based on blockchain. The project assumes creation of the international trading platform uniting users from the different countries. For larger convenience calculations will take place by means of internal cryptocurrency and fiat money.

The price of one token on start of the project is $0,002.

Authors expect that over time RGB.market will turn into the self-sufficient market which capitalization will be comparable with Amazon and AliExpress. Behind so bold speculations there is a strict calculation and the consecutive analysis of the market. It is also worth considering that some goods and services stay at a low level development because of insufficient demand now. Emergence of the joint market will be stimulated by their development due to cutting of costs for search of end users.

Analysis of the market

Volumes of electronic trading in the global market grow practically after an exhibitor. According to Bureau of an United States Census, in the last quarter of 2017 Internet sales have reached record 9,1% opposite to 3,5% for the same period of 2008. First of all it is connected with growth of number of users of network whose number in the middle of 2017 has exceeded 51,7% of the population of the planet (3,8 billion people). About a half of all users lives in the Asian region that is caused by a demographic situation in these countries. The following factor which is positively influencing growth of turnover of electronic commerce is distribution of smartphones and tablets. Emergence of mobile devices has increased time of stay in network and has made expedient development of various platforms and applications for satisfaction of various needs. In such conditions emergence and rapid development of the market of electronic trading was inevitable.

Indicators of retail trade on the Internet and their share in GDP actively grows in the countries with the developed and developing economy. For example, in China this indicator has already reached $766 billion. The championship of the PRC has ceded even the USA with $595 billion. In TOP-10 leaders have also got: Great Britain, Japan, France, Germany, South Korea, Canada, India and Russia. In the Russian Federation in recent years in connection with financial crisis indicators of growth of turnover of retail electronic trading were a little slowed down. Despite it, about 17% of residents of Russia make purchases on the Internet. The prospects for the development of e-commerce are also evidenced by the fact that the average cost of a single buyer is $ 1,582.

Despite rapid growth and fantastic annual turnovers of such giants as Amazon and AliExpress, the market still remains in embryo. Jeff Bezos reads that for his company is every day practically “first” and orients the command on search of new decisions and adequate replies to the requests of the market. Governments of developed countries have long recognized the inevitability of the digital economy and created appropriate development programs. Unfortunately, the state institutes are not in time with development of the market and react to new calls with delay. Therefore, only private entrepreneurs and developers of new software products have to rely on hope.

One more problem constraining development of electronic retail trading — is the software. The matter is that the retailers software because of technical limitations do not allow to fully develop the potential of interaction with the buyer. By approximate calculations, this problem annually applies the industries of losses on hundreds of billions dollars. Appearance of the blockchain technology, if it is so possible to express, became a light at the end of a tunnel. In the long term creation of hostless systems considerably will increase efficiency of work and quality of interaction with target audience. Already now the blockchain has allowed to achieve the multiple abbreviation of periods of implementation of difficult international transactions. Separate attempts of using the technology in this segment of the market were already made, but all projects in a bigger or smaller measure suffered from the same problems: insufficient spanning of audience, problem with scalability of currency and high transaction commission.

The innovative platforms created on the blockchain base open new opportunities for business owners. Without having sufficient means for advance of the goods, businessmen will be able to use innovative platforms for search of clients and increase in turns of trade. In the last two years on ICO there were several tens of similar startups, but most of them did not manage to realize the potential because of system problems and loss of investor confidence.

New approaches to solving old problems

Despite the expectations of crypto-enthusiasts, attempts to use the blockchain technology in the field of e-commerce have not yet achieved success. Existing software products are not able to meet the needs of the Internet community in a reliable trading platform to find the target audience and quickly conclude safe transactions. The potential of the new market, which will be able to unite the ecosystem based on the blockchain, is really impressive, but it remains unrealized.

Among the main problems hindering the development of such projects is the volatility of the crypto currency. The fact is that the creators of the first crypto currency expected that their innovation would be used as a convenient and reliable means of payment. The fiat currency, according to blockchain enthusiasts, cannot meet the needs of the digital economy due to uncontrolled emissions. Unfortunately, the growing popularity of crypto-currencies has led to completely unexpected consequences. Speculators began to actively buy up crypto-assets for resale, staking out their value. Together they managed to raise the rate of individual crypto-currencies, and when the growth opportunities were exhausted, a collapse occurred. To the notorious problem of volatility is also added the problem of loss of investor confidence. Since the beginning of 2018, the market capitalization of the Crypto-currency has fallen several times, and the hopes for its recovery to the pre-crisis level have practically disappeared.

To solve the volatility problem and confidence in the crypto currency, the authors of the project plan to create a stable monetary unit Stablcoin, used as a means of payment. The developers plan to keep the cost of the tokens at a high level due to its use in the trading operations of the RGB.market platform. Thus, a coherent ecosystem will replace the disparate services with settlement currencies, providing the user with everything needed for retail in the field of electronic commerce.

The project RGB.market, founded by experts in the field of trading, retail and international logistics Serhii Khololeienko and Nikolay Tovkach, offers a fundamentally new model of decentralized service. The innovative platform will increase the speed of transactions, improve communication, simplify the search for new customers and remove the restrictions associated with conducting trading operations in the global market. The founders of the project realize that, at the stage of transition from the classical economy to digital, the exact outlines of the future ecosystem model are not yet finalized. As the project develops and the share of e-commerce in global GDP grows, the proposed idea will be implemented in the form of a functional platform with high competitive advantages.

What will provide success to the project?

RGB.market — is a complete ecosystem giving an opportunity to carry out a full cycle of the operations connected with electronic commerce. The income of participants of the project will provide not only receipts from a retail, but also from advertizing campaigns. The proximity to potential clients and low expenses on advance of goods and services offer to an internal coin of an ecosystem the excellent prospects of growth of global popularity. Another positive factor affecting the cost of the RGBMarket token — a reduction in logistics costs. In the ecosystem of RGB.market, solutions will be implemented to optimize the costs of transporting goods. This competitive advantage will significantly increase the number of participants and the overall capitalization of the project. Holders of RGBMarket tokens will also be able to receive passive income as dividends.

Special attention deserves the internal ecosystem RGB.market coin. Before the release of the project to ICO stage authors leave her name in a secret, but place emphasis that its cost will be connected with dollar exchange rate. It will allow to avoid possible problems with volatility which limits possibilities of application of cryptocurrency as means of payment. According to a plan, each Stablcoin will be provided with fiat money, and it will be possible to check capitalization of the platform through an online service. Implementation of the project of complete economic system will increase possibilities of use of a coin as means of payment at the expense of the speed of transactions and absence of the huge transfer commissions. Another positive aspect is the reliability and security of the system. The project team develops a package of documents to ensure the operation of the service on the global market. Unlike other similar projects, the investments of investors and participants of the RGB.market ecosystem will be protected.

Other advantages and strengths of the RGB.market project

Under the current conditions, RGB.market has practically no competitors. Previous attempts to create such ecosystems ended in failure due to general shortcomings and system errors in the concept of projects. The introduction of innovative solutions allowed the developers to create a model of the internal balance of the system. Now Stablcoin will not settle on electronic wallets of individual users, but will be constantly used as a payment instrument within the ecosystem.

Competitive advantages:

1. Free conversion of Stablcoin, including binding an e-wallet to a bank card.

2. A full package of services for sellers and buyers, including transactions, delivery and control of the parties’ fulfillment of their obligations.

3. Specificity of participation in the project: only the immediate participants will be able to buy RGBMarket tokens. To ordinary speculators, access is limited to the secondary market (exchange).

4. Developers have prepared a package of solutions to ensure the constant turnover of Stablcoin. At the ICO stage, only 10% of the tokens will be sold. Most of them will be offered to active participants.

5. Combination of the KYC mechanism (mandatory “know your customer” identification procedure) with the ability to quickly transfer your assets to another currency.

6. Supporters of the digital economy receive a full package of services with the possibility of crypto-currency calculation, starting from ordering, payment and ending with delivery (fullfillment).

7. Optimization of taxation. Participants in the platform will be able to establish the distribution of income in their business activities.

Investing to the future

Now the RGB.market project is in the Pre-seed stage and is preparing to enter the ICO. Most tokens (80%) will be sold to active project participants to ensure the stability of the system and the preservation of interest from real users. Investors will be able to purchase at ICO no more than 10% of the total number of issued tokens at a price of $ 0.01. Now, developers of the RGB.market platform offer to purchase 3% of all tokens worth $ 600,000. Such amount of initial investment is necessary for the preparation of MVP (minimum viable product), the preparation of a package of documents that ensure the operability of the project, and a number of technical and marketing activities for the project to enter the ICO stage. Our team plans to cope with this volume of tasks for a period of 3 months from the receipt of investment.

The rapid transition of the world economic system to the era of the digital economy today is no longer in doubt. The appearance of projects like RGB.market has become a matter of time, not probability. The model itself will change due to changing market requirements, but the ecosystem concept proposed by the developers will be able to solve the problems of the volatility of the crypto currency and ensure a constant turnover of funds. The success story of the leaders of the digital economy also began with small start-ups. It is likely that RGB.market will be able to repeat the fate of such well-known companies as Amazon, AliExpress and PayPal, but in a new format.






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