Answering The Vexed Questions
3 min readSep 17, 2018


The recent live stream with our COO Ivan Kurnavin and the frequently asked questions in our Telegram group demonstrate that quite a lot of our supporters are concerned about the same stuff.

We gathered most of these questions in one place for your convenience.

What is the team occupied with now?
We’re actively working on the Client software and ‘Exchange — Host’ part. We hope to come up with some updates as soon as possible.

Are there any issues impeding the progress?
If you think that the things are moving forward slower than they should, they probably are. We are still seeking a good fit for some of the job openings, including such crucial ones as Blockchain Developer and Node.js Developer. Here’s the full list of current positions (more details in the Jobs section at the website):

· Senior Node.js Engineer
· Senior React.js Engineer
· Senior Blockchain Engineer
· Frontend and UX Architect

Why have you chosen OpenLedger and Exrates? There’s almost zero trade volume!
We listed MASP at the established, trusted exchanges with the optimal ratio of the listing fee and CMC turnover. The fact that the volumes are minor is quite comprehensible as it’s just the beginning. It would be strange to expect massive turnovers for a project with no intrusive marketing and development in progress.

Are you planning any big exchange in the nearest future?
Listing is not the priority now. It’s not excluded that we’ll get MASP listed on some other exchange, but we will not provide any ETA so as not to form any expectations. Listing on small exchanges is pointless, while the fees requested by the large ones are not included in our marketing budget.

Why don’t you list at BitMart / Binance / Okex etc?
Tier 1 exchanges normally require your coin to be already listed at a number of smaller exchanges. And/or they are bloody expensive. It’s more rational to allocate the funds to the tech part than pour them into listing now.

Will you list on any other exchanges?
Definitely, as this is required for the healthy token economy. But as mentioned earlier, it’s not the prerogative at the moment.

Why don’t you take any steps to boost the trade volumes?
It’s our policy to maintain a robust token economy in an organic way. We believe that working on the system and keeping in touch with the Community will make the deal. At least at this stage. We understand that some of our supporters (mainly Bounty participants) are upset to see small trade volumes and insufficient demand for MASP. Given the skepticism ICOs meet now, it’s not surprising though. We had to totally review our strategy due to the fact that the project didn’t meet a sufficient financial support from the broad public. Nearly 2/3 of the funds we raised come from the private investors and funds.

What are the plans for the nearest future?
Hire a Blockchain Developer (better two) and proceed with the full-fledged workflow for the ‘Ethereum — Miner’ part. In Q4 we must move on to the integration testing, so we need some luck with finding an ideal candidate in the nick of time.

P.S. If you missed the live stream, we’re definitely going to carry out more of them! You may watch Ivan communicating with the Community here

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