Getting The Best Out Of ICO
2 min readApr 15, 2018

What You Need To Know In Advance

Dear Enthusiasts,

It goes without saying that we appreciate the support of each and every of You. We are currently putting the finishing strokes to the User Account and the illustrated guidelines in order to make your experience with us pleasant and effortless.

In order to ensure that your User Account is secure and avoid any issues with token purchase and allocation, please stick to the recommendations below.

Use only an email address which you don’t share with anyone.

Set a strong password, protect it with 2FA if needed, install good anti-malware of your choice and take any other reasonable measures to secure your mailbox from third party access.

Choose an email box you always have access to: we will send you a verification link to it every time you log in.

There is no option to update the email address on file. You can only register a new account with another email address, without a possibility of transferring funds and/or tokens between the accounts.

Add your ETH wallet address (compatible with ERC20) before adding funds.

Of course, you can fill it out any time after creating an account. However, we recommend that you proceed with it before making a deposit. Thus you’ll ensure that no one can update it in case your email is compromised.

Make sure you copy and paste your ETH wallet address accurately, without typos. For security reasons, there’s no option to update it (unless you contact support and provide certain documents for verification, which may take some time and prevent you from getting the best bonuses).

Ensure your wallet is not connected with any cryptocurrency exchange, as we only have prior agreements with some. Otherwise you risk not to get the tokens.

To take advantage of the best bonuses, add funds in advance.

Depending on the payment method, it may take the deposit from 10 minutes to 24 hours to appear on your balance (check our FAQ for more details).

The most delicios 25% bonus will be available for the early birds only — within 24h after the ICO start.

Photo by Leone Venter on Unsplash

Refresh the page of your User Account before proceeding with the purchase.

This way you’ll get the latest information about your balance which may not be reflected otherwise.

Keeping in touch with our Community is one of our core values. To have your finger on the pulse, join our official Telegram Group or follow us in other social media:


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