Greetings From Ivan Kurnavin, COO At

On The Turning Point In’s Timeline And Changes On The Horizon
2 min readMay 14, 2018

I am thrilled to have been appointed as COO. Not so long ago I started my work for as SMM & Community Manager and a few months later I was assigned new responsibilities as a Head of PR.

From now on, I’ll be in charge of overseeing strategy and business operations, taking some duties off of Alexander Rakhmanov, our CEO. I will concentrate on brand strategy and forging partnerships. The latter is especially crucial in the light of the new course we’ve recently set our sights on.

However idealistic or trivial it sounds, I believe the future is decentralized. That’s not the last reason why I’ve been putting all my heart into the project so far, and why I’m going to get down to it even with grittier determination, all that for bringing to life the reinvented data storage — handled by professionals, yet fully unbridled.

During the next seven weeks, we’ll have loads of work to do:

  • finalizing our agreements with exchanges
  • sealing the deals with the private investors and investment funds we’re negotiating with
  • presenting more as a niche solution for enterprises — the aspect we haven’t covered fully yet, although it forms the backbone of the system.

We owe so much to the Community for your trust, loyalty and support. I believe that together we’ll change the data storage market.

Ivan Kurnavin COO


-- is a decentralized self-regulatory system for data storage, transmission and direct content distribution.