Soft Cap Reached! Thanking Our Supporters And Unveiling Our Plans
3 min readJun 8, 2018


The 6th of June was a big day for the team: we hit the $15.2M soft cap! No need to say that we are grateful to our Community for supporting us. It’s time to spot the light on our plans for the not-too-distant future and answer some vexed questions.

Why not keep on with the Token Sale?

Although we had quite ambitions plans as to the additional functionality laid out in our White Paper, it was decided to stop at the $15.2M mark and get down to the system development. Why? We’ve run out of the big deals up our sleeve. Let’s be realistic — public offer won’t bring us to $50M. So it would be dishonest to keep the Community in agonizing suspense and temporize.

Soft cap reached. What do you start with?

We’ve already outlined the technical specification and currently are looking for the talented developers to expand the team. As it follows from our roadmap (feel free to check it on the website), we also have the UX prototyping and deployment scheduled for QIII 2018, and we are determined to stick to it.

How will you report to the Community?

You’ll hardly lose sight of us. Staying in touch with our Community through the social networks and regular updates is a must for us. You can now sign up for our newsletter again at the website.

How many tokens are issued?

We are still calculating the total number of tokens sold. It takes a little longer than expected due to the numerous bonuses offered at all stages. We will let you know the total supply within a matter of days (as well as the number of tokens allocated for the Bounty pool).

When do I get my tokens?

Within 2 weeks from the closing date, i.e. between June 6 and June 20, 2018. If you purchased the tokens through account, you’ll be notified at your account email once the tokens arrive.

Alexander Rakhmanov, CEO and Founder, On The Token Sale Flow

As you might know, not everything was going so smoothly. At the end of May, we had to extend the token sale and review our strategy in favor of private investors and funds. And here we are — ready to implement our vision of the reinvented decentralized storage. I’d love to express my sheer gratitude to all our supporters, regardless of whether they purchased our tokens or not.

Hearty Thanks From Ivan Kurnavin, COO

We are highly appreciative of all the support we received, especially taking into account the skepticism that 9 out of 10 projects conducting a token sale now meet. Talking about the non-technical side, the plan for the next two months is to seal the agreements with the key exchanges. We also continue negotiations with the hosting vendors.

To keep your finger on the pulse, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us in social networks. We are always happy to hear from you!

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