Steal These Templates: Email Marketing & Promotional Code Calendars

Will Haire
3 min readSep 29, 2017


Running a good email marketing campaign involves a tremendous amount of logistics. There is so much to think about when creating campaigns for your business. What are we promoting, how is my subject line, will my design convert, am I sending this at the right time? To name a few. A detail that is often overlooked is performance. I compare my email campaigns against a control group and previous emails sent to the same list. I found the Mailchimp interface difficult to navigate.

Because we had so many special occasion emails go out daily, I would have trouble locating historical campaigns. What would take me 15 minutes, would take an hour. I learned from these experiences. I now save all campaigns into a folder, I also track these campaigns and promotions on a calendar. Much simpler for referencing.

I learned to use folders and file each campaign as I create them…
Promotion Code Calendar

I use this Google Sheets calendar to track which promo codes are active. It’s great to give to sales reps.

Our sales reps use it as an upselling opportunity for any customers that may be on the fence about making a sale.

Get your own version of the Promotional Code Marketing Calendar Template.

Email Marketing Calendar

I use this Google Sheets calendar to track active campaigns. The red Xs in the document represents the 7 day follow up email for customers who did not open the first email sent. The follow up email is identical to the first version, the only difference is the subject line. I have a calendar on the bottom and top of the document, as my list grows, it pushes the dates down so I cannot read them.

I highlight the cells in red for the campaigns that are inside Mailchimp and ready for dispatch. The campaigns that are shaded in blue or green are holidays, specials or flash sales. These are emails that are outside of our bi-weekly cadence. They are usually for the day and are of high value.

Get your own version of the Email Marketing Calendar Template.

Do you have any templates or software that you use?

