How To Make People Say Yes

The Marketing Post
2 min readAug 8, 2017


How often do you say yes?

For me, it’s far too often.

I’m a patsy, easily swayed by a deal or a discount. Really I’m a marketers dream.

But what makes me say yes?

As marketers, this is more important than it sounds. In fact, it’s paramount to our jobs.

What makes us say yes?

We are influenced, whether we like it or not, by the power of other people and groups.

Everybody we interact with has the power to influence in some way.

My co-worker’s new phone could encourage me to buy an Android, whereas my brother’s dodgy haircut reminds me to never sport a topknot.

However, some people (and some brands) have more influence than others, especially if they have some kind of social power.

What is social power and why is it important?

Social power is the capacity to alter the actions of others. Sounds simple right?

The crux is that there are six specific sources of social power. If a brand, person, marketing campaign etc. possesses one of these powers, the reader, customer or viewer is more likely to say yes.

The six social powers:

1. Referent power

People or groups with qualities we admire, so we copy their behaviors. Example: Adidas pay Messi to wear its boots. Every child around the world who wants to play football like Messi, is more likely to purchase these boots.

2. Legitimate power

True authority because of an official role a person occupies. Example: We’re more likely to buy a toothpaste if our dentist tells us to buy it.

3. Reward power

The ability to give rewards to those who follow the behavior they advise. Example: Buy one, get another free.

4. Information power

Someone who possesses valuable information can alter behaviors. Example: A YouTuber, who has used a product and posts a review.

5. Expert Power

People who possess renowned knowledge in a specific area. Example: When Seth Godin gives marketing advice, we tend to listen.

6. Coercive power

The ability to punish someone if they don’t follow an action. Example: You can lose your frequent flyers lounge card if you don’t use an airline for over a year.


So, if you find yourself (like I often do) looking endlessly into yet another blog, one pager or product guide, wondering what to say to make your message just a little more impactful, try focusing your content around one of these powers.

Doing so might make people say yes.

Have you used these before? If so, let us know how it went in the comments.

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