“I Wanna Fuck You in Your Ass”: 3 Tips for Enjoying AMAZING Anal Sex

Married to Lauren
4 min readJan 27, 2023



“Oh, daddy, will you fuck me in my ass?” “Sweetheart, I wanna fuck you in your ass.”

Yeah, Lauren and I like to use graphic language in bed.

Anal sex isn’t for every couple. It doesn’t feel quite as good as vaginal or oral sex. And yet Lauren and I both really enjoy it. Why? For us, anal sex is about more than “feeling good.” For us, as a couple that enjoys kinky sexual experiences, anal sex is naughty, primal and conducive to powerful domination and submission experiences — all of which draw us to it as a sex act we engage in regularly.

If you’re into anal sex, or maybe interested in trying it, below are 3 tips on enhancing the experience. Before I get to the tips, if you have never had anal sex but want to try it, you may first want to experiment with finger play and anal plugs. Ease into it. Lauren has anal plugs and she loves them. They’re a great way to introduce anal pleasure and ultimately take a step toward full-on anal sex.

The tips:


The mood needs to be right. For us, that means Lauren really desires to get fucked in her ass and I’m in the mood to do it — or vice versa. Maybe she wants me to dominate her and I want the same. Maybe she wants to be DP’d (my cock in her ass, her dildo in her pussy) and I’m feeling that, too. Maybe she and/or I want(s) to just be naughty. The point is, mood and mutual desire are vital because that then means both partners are relaxed.

Plus, anal sex isn’t really “making love.” It’s a naughty sex act (some would call it taboo), and it needs to be desired by both partners in order to be an enjoyable experience.

And, though I don’t think it’s quite as enjoyable as vaginal or oral sex, it does feel very good for both of us. That part of a woman’s body is laced with nerves and it’s pleasurable to touch and penetrate. For me, the tightness feels very good when there’s adequate lube, which brings me to our second tip….


It can’t be emphasized enough: lube is vital. We don’t need lube for vaginal intercourse but we always, always, always use it for anal sex. Our lube of choice is Astroglide. Before entry, I heavily lube my cock and her ass, including her inner cheeks (which otherwise can get chafed), and then gently and patiently penetrate. The initial penetration requires patience. Once in, it’s quite easy from there. As anal sex commences, I continue to lube as needed, but typically one lubing is enough.

It’s not uncommon for us to go from vaginal intercourse to anal sex (but never the other way around). Even though my dick is nicely lubed from her vaginal fluids, it’s not enough for enjoyable anal sex. We find that Astroglide provides a really slick, durable lube that is perfect for anal sex. There are other great lubes on the market. For us? Our go-to is Astroglide.


Communication is crucial. As a couple that is very sexually expressive in bed, we’re able to give each other feedback real-time, including during anal sex. “That feels good.” “Harder.” “Slow down.” “You like that, bitch?” “Yes, daddy!” “That hurts.” “More lube.” Etc.

Anal sex isn’t conducive to “pounding” sex. Pounding anal sex can be quite painful. The best anal sex, at least for us, is steady and not too hard and not too soft. Furthermore, I can’t get my entire 7 inches in Lauren’s ass — but sometimes I can get close. Anatomically, it’s just not possible to get all the way in. Typically, I can get 70% of my length in her ass, whereas during vaginal intercourse she likes to be pounded deep and hard. The key is to communicate.

Another thing to communicate on: Where to cum. Typically, I’ll cum in Lauren’s ass. She enjoys it when I cum in her ass. Not every woman is cool with that — Piper would prefer that I pulled out. Be sure you’re both on the same page with where ejaculation occurs. If ejaculation does occur in the ass, some of it is gonna seep back out. Be prepared for that.

Also, when the cock comes out of the ass, the asshole is kind of gaping for a few seconds. If you’re a guy, it’s an interesting sight….

A final thought: Our rule is that once my cock has been in Lauren’s ass (or Piper’s ass), it’s off-limits for all other orifices of her body until/unless I wash myself thoroughly. That doesn’t apply to the vagina but it does to the asshole — and for good reason.

Do share your anal sex tips and questions!



Married to Lauren

Married to Lauren, a beautiful Swedish-born woman. We live in the U.S. and have a son. We’ve been married for over 20 years and are swingers.