Milos and Katerina Zeman: Victims of Putin’s Blackmail.

Martin Bauer
2 min readAug 28, 2017


Czech President Milos Zeman shaking hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin, both wearing the Ribbon of St. George, a Russian military symbol. (Reuters)

Czech Republic’s President Milos Zeman is Putin’s lackey in Europe. An (ex-)Communist alcoholic that surfs pedophile sites, Zeman has degenerated visibly during his Presidency. Hopelessly vain, he is corrupted by Putin’s money.

But money and vanity aren’t the only motivators. Zeman’s chief advisor Martin Nejedly is suspected of multiple cases of blackmail. Exploiting Zeman’s love of his own daughter, Nejedly has complete control over the Czech President for Putin’s pleasure.

At the beginning of Zeman’s presidency, pictures of his daughter at an orgy were leaked to the press. In a classic blackmail maneuver these pictures were just a teaser, a warning, she was barely visible. Picture quality was low and the orgy was just getting started. Then the leaks suddenly stopped. The young lady was sent to study luxuriously in London — paid for by Nejedly who is well known as Putin’s paymaster.

A time tested KGB measure of using both the carrot and the stick against a target politician is working well in the Czech Republic. A sick, dying father is ready to do anything for Nejedly (Putin) — just to secure his daughter’s future. No other Western head of state has fallen so low to just parrot Kremlin narratives, thereby disgracing his beautiful country on the international scene.

Offending the U.S., promoting sales of arms to terrorists, calling for a referendum to exit NATO and the EU, demonstrating publicly in support of neo-NAZIs are just a few shenanigans of Milos Zeman’s tragic presidency.



Martin Bauer

Biased opinion writer exposing the shenanigans of Putin’s fifth column in the heart of Europe.