this is me :~)

hello it is I, Marcus

Marcus Escobar


If there’s one thing I want it’s just to let my artwork be seen so I’ll be using this as my vessel to show your beautiful eyes just what I can do.

I just recently got into digital art so bear with me if it doesn’t look TOO great. I’m personally a fan of traditional charcoal and pen art so I’ll be showing off some of that from time to time. I do DO realistic art as well but it really isn’t all too fun for me. (You’ll be seeing a few of those pieces.) Most of the joy I get from drawing is from doodles and cartoons so expect to see a lot of that. I grew up reading a crap-ton of comics and looking at cartoons so they always served as in inspiration for me.

I also have a YouTube channel! I’d like to start making animations but that’ll take a while. In the mean time, I just make half-assed videos but you may like them so give it a shot (or not, I mean, it’s your life).

Here’s a link!

ALSO, CONTACT ME IF YOU WANT SOMETHING DRAWN! I’LL DO JUST ABOUT ANYTHING! (but if you want a drawing of yourself be sure to send a reference because I’m obviously not clairvoyant)

Well I hope you enjoy!!

