I bought a famous chair.

Mary Jacobs
2 min readMar 23, 2018


You might come to my cozy 650-square-foot apartment one blustery October afternoon and find warmth in my eclectic and curated collection of dusty fast-food cartoon glass cups, or maybe comfort in the cobwebs growing across the keyboard I haven’t touched in months. Maybe you’ll notice “Wow! She has so many shoes! And they don’t seem to have a specific place to belong!” What might need pointing out however, is this chair. (Don’t worry. I’ll definitely point it out.)

Audrey, the famous chair.

You need to know I bought this famous chair. I sit on it nearly every day. How do I know this chair is famous, you may ask yourself? As you can see in the photo of the chair I’ve included here, the chair came with its own photo of itself and a name. Yes, my famous chair has a name and it is Audrey thank you very much. She was clearly featured on a huge T.V. show, maybe even a feature film, before some foolish set dresser donated her by accident!

Do I know how blessed I am to have Audrey? Yes. Even better is how Audrey came into my life. It all seems so innocuous now, a series of events leading up to the #1 talking point in my whole apartment. I thought to myself one afternoon: “Mary — Why are you still using a lawn chair and an old rearview mirror off your dads Chevy to do you make-up? Chairs are cheap and easy to come by! Get yourself down to that salvage store, ASAP!” Boy howdy, when I finally did the thing I had long been putting off (leaving the apt) I was rewarded! Not only did I find Audrey the chair, but I found Audrey the famous chair. The kicker of all of this notoriety now in my home forever: I only paid $15 for it. Clearly the folks down at the ReStore had beans for brains when they let this gem go. This has now turned into an ad for ReStore, which is a great place. You should go, but please don’t tell them what I said about them having beans for brains. Thanks.



Mary Jacobs

Playwright and comedian. From NOLA and annoyingly proud of it. I'm in @livegirlscomedy