Mary Kobayashi
3 min readNov 18, 2016

The Faithless Electors Movement


“The office of president will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” — Alexander Hamilton on the Electoral College

The election of 2016 had a staggering number of historical firsts. A woman winning a major party nomination. The Ku Klux Klan endorsing a reality television star for President. We need one more first.

November 8th presidential votes came in with Clinton winning over Trump — 63.4 million to 61.8 million. About 1.6 million more (updated 11/20) US citizens lined up to stand against racism, sexism, and uninhibited xenophobia that could very well leave us without foreign allies.

We have another chance. The Electoral College was originally built into the Constitution as a fail-safe. If an unqualified candidate won the popular vote, the electors could keep them out of office. In this case, Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly won the popular vote, and we’re simply asking the Electoral College to save us from itself.

On December 19, the EC will cast their official votes. By constitutional law these electors are free to vote with or against state majorities, with or against party lines. They can still vote with the popular majority and choose Clinton as President.

Electors in Texas (yes, Texas) have already expressed they do not want to vote for Trump. Let’s show them they have our full support. Now, dry your tears and get ready to make some phone calls.

Pick up your phone. Pick it up right now!

Dial (614) 644–6041 for Elector Marlene Anielski (House Rep — OH-R)

Say, “I’m _______. I’m a US voter and I’m asking you to vote with the popular majority on December 19th, for Hillary Clinton.”

Make your message short and powerful. Speak from the heart. The more messages their offices can listen to, the louder our voices.

Next on your list:

(614) 466–8104 for Elector Theresa Gavarone (House Rep — OH-R)

(850) 717–5105 for Elector Carlos Trujillo (House Rep — FL-R)

(850) 717–5035 for Elector Blaise Ingoglia (Rep — FL-R)

(512) 463–5770 for Carlos Cascos, Texas Secretary of State

“I like (war veterans) that weren’t captured, okay?” — Trump on John McCain

Let’s get the votes of McCain’s colleagues and friends:

Say, “I’m _______. I’m a US voter and I’m asking you to urge your state electors to vote with the popular majority on December 19th, for Hillary Clinton.”

JUST ADDED: PRIORITY: (602) 926–5862 Senator Carlyle Begay

*(602) 542–4331 press 2 then press 1 for the Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s Office, who called Trump’s words, “insulting and terribly demeaning to women.”

  • *This office number no longer working. Tweet at Governor Ducey: copy and paste: @dougducey Governor Ducey, please urge your state electors to vote with the overwhelming popular majority on Dec 19 for Hillary Clinton.

(602) 957–7770 press 100 to leave a message for the Arizona Republican Party Office

Next is Wisconsin, where the vote was extremely close:

(608) 266–2517 Wisconsin Senate Office Voicemail

(202) 225–3031 ext. 6 for the Wisconsin House of Reps D.C. Office

Call often. Call every day. Save these numbers in your phone.

Challenge your mom, dad, sister, brother, barber, lawyer, sheriff, carpenter, and more to call.

We have one more chance. One more chance to make our 62.8 million voices heard. One more chance to fight racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. One more chance to keep Donald Trump away from a post that will allow him to start a war if he so pleases. One more chance to stand for the children, women, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers who cannot.

Crying won’t help. Calls will.

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Note: the phone numbers listed have been chosen carefully by state elector law, proximity of the vote in these states, and lack of public endorsement for Trump.

A longer, constantly updated list of phone numbers can be found here:

Mary Kobayashi

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