
Mary Schafer
1 min readMay 24, 2017

Someone once told me that when people kiss each other, their skin isn’t actually touching because of electrons repelling one another

This is one of the saddest things I have ever heard

Not the science fact

But the fact that someone views such an intimate moment in such a depressing way

See for me, I believe when two people kiss each other they are touching in one thousand different ways


Lips on lips

Lips on neck

Lips on cheek

Teeth against teeth

Against the soft skin of an ear lobe

This physical touching messes with your brain

It makes you believe your lover is your soulmate

It confuses the intimacy for love

True love

The gentle embraces creep into your bones and implant ideas and notions of forever

They connect the physical touches with emotional ones

Love isn’t about science

It isn’t about the logistics of kissing

It’s about the thousands of connections we make together

