Welcome to the Circus | Chapter 4: Meet the client

Mashed Avocado
10 min readJun 24, 2024


Mashed Avocado

My phone buzzed on my bedside table, its insistent chime dragging me from the depths of sleep. Groaning, I reached for it, my eyes squinting at the bright screen. A text message from Sarah:

Did you dream of me, Dennis? 😉 Dress sharp today, we’ve got a meeting.

I groaned again, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. It was barely 5 am. “Sarah,” I typed back grumpily, “I was sound asleep until you decided to wake me up.”

A few minutes later, another text arrived:

Don’t be a grump. Meeting with a potential client. Cafe on Collins St. I’ll send you the address.

I sighed, resigned to the fact that my day was starting earlier than expected. Another day, another adventure at MA&Co. At least the coffee would be good.

I entered the café on Collins Street, the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans momentarily distracting me from my early morning grumpiness. My eyes scanned the room, quickly landing on a figure that radiated elegance and confidence.

Sarah sat at a corner table, bathed in the warm glow of the morning sun. She was a picture of polished sophistication, her attire a masterclass in understated allure. A crisp white silk blouse, unbuttoned just enough to hint at the delicate skin beneath, flowed over her curves. Her pencil skirt, a deep charcoal grey, hugged her hips and ended just above the knee, revealing a glimpse of toned legs encased in sheer black stockings. A pair of stiletto heels, their red soles flashing with every crossed and uncrossed leg, added a touch of audacity to the ensemble.

Her hair, a cascade of golden waves, was swept back in a sleek ponytail, highlighting her high cheekbones and flawless complexion. A pair of diamond stud earrings sparkled in her ears, catching the light with every subtle movement of her head. Her lips, painted a deep crimson, curved into a knowing smile as she beckoned me over.

As I approached, I couldn’t help but notice the admiring glances from the other patrons, both men and women alike. Sarah commanded attention without even trying, her presence a magnetic force that drew people in.

I suddenly understood Janice’s warning about every man on the floor being terrified of her. Sarah wasn’t just beautiful; she was a captivating blend of intelligence, wit, and raw sensuality. She knew her worth, and she wasn’t afraid to use it to her advantage.

“Darren, darling!” Sarah exclaimed, her voice dripping with warmth as she extended a perfectly manicured hand. “It’s so wonderful to see you again.”

The man before us, Darren Ray, was tall and broad-shouldered, with a receding hairline and a slightly protruding belly. His eyes, however, were sharp and focused, not missing a detail of Sarah’s attire as he took her hand in his.

“Sarah,” he rumbled, his voice thick with appreciation, “you look absolutely stunning as always.” His gaze lingered a little too long on her décolletage, a faint blush creeping up his neck.

“And this,” Sarah continued, her smile widening as she gestured towards me, “is Dennis Simon, our brilliant new analyst. He’s here to help us understand your needs better.”

Darren offered me a perfunctory handshake, his eyes never leaving Sarah’s face. “Pleasure,” he mumbled, his attention already drifting back to my captivating colleague.

Sarah, unfazed by his lack of interest in me, launched into a conversation that was less about business and more about building rapport. She inquired about the recent company party, asking if he’d enjoyed the live band and the open bar. She then seamlessly transitioned to his recent holiday in Bali, her eyes twinkling with feigned envy as he described the luxurious resorts and pristine beaches.

Darren, clearly basking in her undivided attention, responded with animated enthusiasm, his words punctuated by nervous laughter and furtive glances at Sarah’s décolletage.

I observed the exchange with a mixture of amusement and admiration. Sarah was a natural, effortlessly weaving her way into Darren’s good graces. She knew exactly how to play to his ego, how to make him feel valued and understood.

As the conversation flowed, I couldn’t help but be drawn in by Sarah’s charm. Her laughter was infectious, her wit razor-sharp, and her ability to connect with people was truly remarkable. In that moment, I understood why men were captivated by her. It wasn’t just her beauty, although that was undeniable. It was her presence, her charisma, her ability to make everyone feel like they were the most important person in the room.

As the conversation flowed, I learned that Darren and his team at Telecom Capital Solutions, a U.S.-based firm specialising in telecommunications financing, were vying for a lucrative contract with Telstra. The deal, if secured, would make them the exclusive provider of handset financing for Australia’s largest telecommunications company.

It was a high-stakes game, and Darren was clearly feeling the pressure. But Sarah, with her effortless charm and disarming wit, had managed to coax out these crucial details without him even realising it. She’d seamlessly steered the conversation from casual pleasantries to the heart of the matter, all while maintaining an air of playful flirtation that kept Darren engaged and eager to impress.

I watched in silent admiration as Sarah worked her magic, her seemingly innocuous questions drawing out valuable information like a skilled angler reeling in a prize catch. It was a masterclass in salesmanship, a subtle dance of charm, wit, and strategic questioning.

By the time our coffees arrived, I had a comprehensive understanding of Darren’s goals, challenges, and motivations. Sarah had extracted the information we needed without ever making it feel like an interrogation. It was a performance worthy of a standing ovation, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by her finesse and expertise.

As Darren gathered his belongings and made his excuses, Sarah and I exchanged a knowing glance. Once he was out of earshot, we stepped out of the cafe and onto the bustling Collins Street.

“Well?” Sarah asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “What did you make of our charming client?”

I couldn’t resist a playful jab. “I’m not sure if he has a neck problem or if he’s just a big fan of your blouse,” I quipped, gesturing towards the plunging neckline that had held Darren’s attention captive.

Sarah threw back her head and laughed, the sound echoing through the street. She slowed her pace, her eyes studying me with a newfound curiosity.

We walked in silence for a moment, the midday sun beating down on our backs as we crossed the bridge towards Crown Casino and the looming MA&Co headquarters.

“You’re an interesting one, Dennis,” Sarah mused, breaking the silence. “Most men would be falling over themselves to agree with me about Darren’s… appreciation of my attire.”

“I prefer to focus on people’s brains, not their baser instincts,” I replied with a shrug.

Sarah raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Well, aren’t you the noble one?”

She then switched gears, her voice taking on a more serious tone. “Look, Dennis,” she said, “this deal is huge. If we can win Darren and his team over, it could be a game-changer for MA&Co. But we need to play our cards right.”

“So,” I ventured, my curiosity piqued, “what makes this Telecom Capital Solutions deal such a big deal? Not that Darren wasn’t… captivating,” I added with a wry smile, recalling the man’s blatant infatuation with Sarah.

Sarah chuckled, a wry smile playing on her lips. “Dennis, darling,” she drawled, “at the rate MA&Co is haemorrhaging clients, any win is a big deal.” Her stiletto heels clicked against the pavement, a staccato rhythm accompanying her words. “But getting TCS on our books? That’s a major coup. A global company like that could open doors to other lucrative deals. It’s a brand we desperately need to boost our image.”

I nodded, understanding dawning on me. It was like a game of dominoes — one big win could trigger a chain reaction, leading to a cascade of opportunities.

“But,” Sarah continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, “Darren is all talk. He’s got a big mouth and even bigger dreams, but he needs our help to actually deliver. If we can make him look good in front of his US bosses, we’re golden.”

Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. “Think of it as a puppet show, Dennis,” she said, her voice laced with playful sarcasm. “We pull the strings, and Darren dances to our tune. We just need to figure out what song he wants to hear.”

We paused at a street corner, the traffic light flashing amber, a metaphor for the caution I needed to exercise. “And what song is that?” I asked, intrigued by her cryptic comment.

“We need to understand what Darren wants to present to Telstra,” Sarah explained, her voice taking on a more serious tone. “It’s not just about bid writing and graphic design anymore. We need to get our hands dirty, get sticky with his team. Understand their strategy, their pain points, their desires. Then, we tailor our services to meet those needs.”

She looked at me intently, her eyes piercing through the city’s midday haze. “We’re not just bidding for a project, Dennis. We’re pitching a new way of doing business. We’re becoming consultants, advisors, partners. We’re proving our worth beyond just words on a page.”

Her words sparked a fire within me, a sense of purpose and possibility. I was no longer just an analyst; I was a strategist, a problem-solver, a collaborator. I was part of something bigger than myself.

“But convincing Rob won’t be easy,” Sarah warned, her voice tinged with a hint of doubt. “He’s old-school, resistant to change. He’ll need to see the value in this new approach before he gives us the green light.”

I met her gaze with determination. “Then we’ll show him the value, Sarah,” I said, my voice ringing with conviction. “We’ll prove that this isn’t just a gamble, it’s an investment in the future of MA&Co.”

Sarah smiled, her hand squeezing my arm in a gesture of camaraderie. “That’s the spirit, Dennis,” she said. “Let’s make some magic happen.”

Back on the 30th floor, the familiar sounds of keyboard clacking and hushed conversations greeted us. I veered towards the kitchen, my water bottle feeling lighter than usual.

Kelly and Laura occupied the communal table, their lunch spread out before them. Kelly, a burst of sunshine in a bright pink sweater and ripped jeans, held a book in her hands, her voice animated as she recounted its plot.

“And then,” she whispered, leaning closer to Laura, “he slid his hands…”

Laura, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and amusement, leaned in further, her forkful of salad forgotten in mid-air.

“Hey Dennis!” Kelly chirped, waving me over with a fork. “Come join us! We’re having a lunchtime gossip session.”

I smiled, grateful for the friendly invitation. As I approached the table, the intoxicating scent of Thai spices wafted towards me. “Wow, that smells delicious,” I said, eyeing Kelly’s colourful plate of Pad See Ew.

“It’s from this new Thai place across the street,” Kelly informed me, her mouth full of noodles. “They use this special ginger in their sauce that’s supposed to make your skin glow.” She paused, squinting at me with mock concern. “You look a little tired, Dennis. Want me to give you some face mask recipes?”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “Thanks for the offer, Kelly, but I think I’ll stick to coffee for my energy boost.

Sarah, passing by our impromptu lunch gathering, paused and addressed me directly. “Dennis, could you double-check with Megan if we have any conflicts of interest with other parties involved?”

I nodded, understanding the importance of her request. “Of course, Sarah. I’ll touch base with Megan right away.

I made my way to Megan’s office, the familiar strains of Bryan Adams’ “Summer of ‘69” drifting from her open doorway. She looked up as I approached, a warm smile spreading across her face.

“Dennis!” she greeted me, pushing back a stray strand of blonde hair. “How’s your day going?”

“It’s been interesting,” I replied, returning her smile. “Lots of new faces and information to absorb.”

Megan leaned back in her chair, her blue eyes twinkling with curiosity. “So, how was the meeting with Sarah and Darren this morning?”

Her question caught me off guard. It seemed Sarah had already filled her in on the details. A brief wave of self-consciousness washed over me as I wondered what else Sarah might have shared with her friend.

“It was productive,” I managed, choosing my words carefully. “We gathered some valuable insights into Darren’s needs and expectations.”

Megan nodded, her smile widening. “Sarah has that effect on people,” she remarked. “She always knows how to charm clients and get them to open up.”

The opening chords of “Summer of ‘69” filled the brief silence. “Are you a Bryan Adams fan?” I asked, nodding towards the smart speaker on her desk.

“Absolutely,” she replied, tapping her foot in time with the music. “He’s a classic. Do you like his music?”

“I’ve actually been to one of his concerts,” I admitted, a wave of nostalgia washing over me. “Back in 2005. It was a great show.”

Megan’s eyes lit up. “Really? I’m jealous! I’ve always wanted to see him live.”

A comfortable silence settled between us for a moment, the music providing a pleasant backdrop to our conversation. I took a deep breath and broached the topic that had brought me to her office.

“Megan, I wanted to ask you about the Telecom Capital Solutions opportunity,” I began, my voice taking on a more serious tone. “I just want to make sure we don’t inadvertently breach any existing contracts by working with him.”

Megan nodded, her expression turning professional. “Don’t worry, Dennis,” she reassured me. “I’ll review all relevant agreements and let you know if there are any potential conflicts. You can count on it.”

I thanked her, a wave of relief washing over me. With Megan’s assurance, I felt more confident about moving forward with the Telecom Capital Solutions bid. As I walked back to my desk, the strains of “Summer of ‘69” faded into the background, replaced by the hum of the office and the anticipation of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

Continue to Chapter 5

