Reasons to Celebrate- It Costs Nothing but Buys Everything

3 min readApr 15, 2023


The secret of everlasting relationships is known to a few of the people who know the art of maintaining an untiring lovely association.
Words cannot fully express how these lasting bonds of love need to be consistent throughout the years to come and go. It costs nothing but can buy everything. The word ‘thank’ has lost its true meaning. A relationship that has been offering its sweetness for the last forty-two years is still as fresh as the month of May. Whenever I receive a token of love from my dearest school fellow just before every Eid, without missing any year, do not surprise me. Every year I promised myself to make it first to send him greetings next year did never come. He always surpassed me.

My words cannot express my love for my that friend who has been sending me best wishes every year since we left school for more than four decades. We used to sit together on a floor mated coarse sheets. Later we got chairs when we were promoted to grade nine. We studied the same science subjects as recommended by our respected teachers. Drawing and sketching were our common interests. After doing our secondary school certificates, we got admission to different colleges. We both had different aims in life. I wanted to become an Air Force pilot and he wanted to be an engineer. Somewhere we lost our ambitions in our lovely summer, and finally, he did drafting and architecting designing and I did my master’s in English literature for our future profession. (I have received a lot of love from my pupils for teaching them the Basic Rules of English Grammar.) Our whirl of life started and we were quite busy earning money for our livelihood. But during these strenuous years, he never forgot to post me a greeting card on Eid every year. Yesterday, I received one more.

Every year, all those years we had spent together in the company of each in that high school flashed back at once. I cannot describe in words how it used to re-energize my spirit of emotional life again and again. He never missed any year, and I missed posting him greetings once or twice every year. He has got the meaning of true wisdom. Though we had telephone conversations, we met each other once in a blue moon. I don’t think there lives such a person in the world who kept his promise despite having received no greetings from the other’s side. I am really thankful to such a great person for his great stand and love. Having grey and white hair, we still love and respect each other though we have lost the beauty and strength of our psyche. We know the art of making every day a good day. May God give us long and healthy lives. Ameen!




Love to read and write learning experiences of life.