Open Letter to Governor Healey for Humane Housing Policies


[Click here to sign]

August 6, 2024

Dear Governor Healey,

We write as healthcare workers, service professionals, and community leaders working with socially marginalized Massachusetts communities to urge you to immediately reconsider and postpone the recent changes to Emergency Assistance (EA) eligibility, and to develop holistic and humane housing policies, which promote the health and human rights of thousands of impacted Massachusetts residents.

We have applauded your administration’s Health Equity Initiative, which in January 2024, pledged to tackle the economic, social, and environmental factors, such as lack of housing, which drive health inequities and disproportionately impact communities of color. Thus, we are shocked that your administration has opted to evict hundreds of families experiencing homelessness out of emergency shelters onto Massachusetts’ streets, with just two weeks’ notice. In light of the Supreme Court ruling, and the City of Boston Unlawful Camping Ordinance, this decision will force adults and children onto the streets with nowhere else to go, where they will inevitably find themselves at risk of illness related to exposure to severe weather, violence and abuse, arrest, separation from their children, and deportation. Their very existence, simply for seeking safety and being unhoused residents of the state of Massachusetts, will be criminalized.

This policy decision violates the spirit of the Massachusetts Right to Shelter Law. The associated changes to protocol, including barring enrollment in MassHealth for families presenting to the Family Welcome Centers and dissuading public school enrollment, further infringe on people’s economic, social, and cultural human rights.

Racism is a public health crisis, which systematically places communities of color at risk of homelessness; violence; and economic forces that push families to leave their homes in search of a basic level of safety. Medical and public health literature demonstrates the overwhelmingly negative impacts of homelessness on the health of adults, children and families:

  • The stability of a medical home and school community are fundamental to child well-being, particularly for those experiencing homelessness. Homeless children are more than twice as likely to have health problems and three times as likely to have severe health problems, compared to children who are stably housed.
  • The stress and instability of homelessness interfere with the normal developmental processes of childhood and impact education and behavior. Children experiencing homelessness are at increased risk for speech delays and other developmental disorders. Housing instability creates additional barriers to school enrollment and attendance, making developmental challenges more difficult to mitigate. Children experiencing homelessness are more than twice as likely to repeat a grade, drop out of school, or be cited for behavioral issues, suspended, or expelled.
  • Children experiencing homelessness are at increased risk for abuse, exploitation, exposure to violence, and psychological trauma. Rates of suicidality are higher among homeless youth, and interventions designed to protect emotional health are less effective in the context of family homelessness.
  • Numerous studies have demonstrated the association between homelessness in pregnancy and adverse neonatal outcomes, including low birth weight, preterm delivery, and neonatal intensive care unit admission and prolonged stays. Lack of stable and affordable housing is a major risk factor for postpartum depression and anxiety. Despite the increased risk for complications, homeless pregnant individuals accessed less prenatal care and were more likely to require costly emergency room care.
  • The preponderance of the scientific evidence indicates that reducing access to safe shelter for families experiencing homelessness risks increasing the likelihood of adverse physical, emotional, developmental, and educational outcomes for children, with potential long term implications for wellbeing across the lifespan.

Policies that seek to exclude any vulnerable population from our Commonwealth’s longstanding right to shelter inevitably hurt everyone. Prioritizing certain high risk populations is inadequate, given all children are at high risk of harm from homelessness. Our immigrant community members flee horrific conditions in their countries of origin, and these policies will be unlikely to substantially deter further migration. Instead, they will surely compound the trauma that families who migrate have already experienced–especially children. The exclusionary nature of the new policies will also harm longstanding Massachusetts residents, who will no longer be able to access EA shelter if they lose their homes due to inability to pay ever-escalating rents, which is not considered a no-fault eviction. At a time when our state’s mental health system is already struggling to meet existing needs, there is no justification for implementing destabilizing policies that are sure to exacerbate anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric conditions in our community.

As our Attorney General in 2019, you led a brief demanding immediate relief for children in detention centers, as Massachusetts residents demonstrated against cruel immigration policies, which placed children in cages and separated families. We ask you once again to be that leader who fights to uphold our laws as well as our moral and ethical compass. Health equity does not occur in a vacuum, but rather requires a commitment to equity in all policies.

We urge you to immediately:

  1. Reconsider and postpone the proposed changes to EA shelter eligibility pending inclusive and transparent conversations with service providers and affected families to brainstorm alternative systemic solutions and safe implementation, including a full consideration of proposals from community partners to address the growing homelessness crisis).
  2. Transparently and broadly communicate a plan for obtaining alternative housing for families who will be discharged from EA shelters and overflow shelters/Temporary Respite Centers
  3. Ensure equal access and facilitation of public school and public health insurance enrollment for all families, regardless of language spoken, national origin, or immigration status
  4. Collaboratively partner with cities and towns, community-based organizations, and religious institutions who have experience working with families experiencing homelessness to ensure no child spends a night on our streets, and compassionately support families in successfully transitioning to stable, permanent housing.

[Click here to sign]


  1. Massachusetts Coalition for Health Equity

2. Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless

3. Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program

4. Mass Law Reform Institute

5. National Lawyer’s Guild


7. Horizons for Homeless Children

8. Healing & Wellness: Empowering Migrant Minds

9. Advocacy for Refugee and Immigrant Services for Empowerment (ARISE)

10. Immigrant Services Providers Group

11. Center for New Americans

12. Western Mass Network to End Homelessness

13. Building Audacity

14. First Parish in Concord, Unitarian Universalist

15. Food Bank of Western Massachusetts

16. YWCA Cambridge

17. Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition

18. Tides for Reproductive Freedom

19. Casa Esperanza, Inc.

20. YMCA Southcoast

21. Springfield No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude

22. Building Audacity

23. Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center

24. Behavioral Health Partners of MetroWest

25. Northeast Justice Center

26. Worcester Community Action Council

27. Harvard Chan Intersex and Trans Justice Student Society

28. Greater Framingham Community Church

29. Children’s HealthWatch

30. Brazilian Women’s Group

31. One Family

32. Lynn Rapid Response Network

33. Massachusetts Advocates for Children

34. Community Action Agency of Somerville, Inc.

35. Save Souls, INC

36. The Right to Immigration Institute

37. Open Door Immigration Services

38. DotHouse Health

39. Material Aid and Advocacy Program

40. De Novo Center for Justice and Healing

Individual Signatories:

  1. Lara Jirmanus, MD MPH

2. Fiona Danaher, MD, Pediatrician

3. Rashmi Jasrasaria, MD

4. Aura Obando, MD

5. Juliana Morris, MD, MEd

6. Anita Mathews, MD

7. Avik Chatterjee, MD MPH

8. Sarah Kimball, MD

9. Denise De Las Nueces, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer and Interim CEO, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program

10. Patricia Holliday, Chief Electronic Information Officer, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program9. Sarah Kiser, PNP-PC

11. Kate Barrand, Horizons for Homeless Children, President & CEO

12. Kate Douglas, MD, Pediatrician

13. Michelle Jean-Baptiste, Association of Haitian Women in Boston, Office Support Administrator/Task Force Coordinator

14. Amy Pasternack, MD

15. Mardge Cohen, MD

16. Rebecca Warner, MD

17. Sunny Kung MD

18. Jillian Phillips, LICSW, Office of New Americans at Friendly House, Program Director

19. Tracey Taldon, LICSW, Healing & Wellness: Empowering Migrant Minds Owner/Founder

20. Rev. Kathleen McTigue, BIJAN

21. Anne Beckett, MD, MPH

22. Victoria Trump Redd, MD

23. Ari Barbanell, Executive Director, Circle of Hope

24. Jordana Laks, MD, MPH

25. Emma Hartswick MD, MPP

26. Tia Tucker, MD, MPH

27. Leotilde Cherenfant, CADC, Social Worker

28. Brett Mitchell, MD, MPH

29. Jennifer Stern-Robbins, Human Services, Shrewsbury Public Schools Family Liaison

30. Alex Pirie, Immigrant Services Providers Group Health Coordinator

31. Rohini Rau-murthy, MD

32. Jane Hopkins-Walsh, PhD, PNP-BC, RN

33. Neha Anand, MD MPH

34. Ashley Carter, Non profit coordinator

35. Carolyn Arnold, MD MPH

36. Michael Taglienti, MD

37. Xolchit Polanco, Wraparound Coordinator

38. Altaf Saadi MD, MSc, MGH/HMS, Assistant Professor

39. Hannah Simons, MSN, RN

40. Mukesh Baral, MA, Advocacy for Refugee and Immigrant Services for Empowerment (ARISE), Executive Director

41. Mark Eisenberg, MD

42. Eliza Firn, MD, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellow

43. Regina LaRocque, MD, MPH

44. Reverend Jeffrey Conlon, United Church of Christ Pastor, Retired

45. Francisca Chou, MD

46. Nahiris Bahamón, MD

47. Carolyn Droser, LICSW, Worcester Area Mission Society, Chair of the Board of Directors

48. Jessie Gaeta, MD

49. David Munson, MD,

50. Katherine Miller, MD

51. Rebecca Nuernberger, PhD, MSN

52. Kelly Turley, MSW/MA, Associate Director, Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless

53. Prabhjot Minhas, MD

54. Laurie Millman, MA, Center for New Americans, Executive Director

55. Linda Nix, MD, MPH

56. Jessica Gregory, MD

57. Tanya Williams, Previously homeless, Disabled

58. Jennifer Pollard, MS, RN, PPCNP-BC, Family Team Nurse Manager

59. Jennifer Brody, MD, MPH, AAHIVS

60. Julia Bafia, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute Intern

61. Jennifer Audley, Franklin Regional Council of Governments, Community Health Improvement Plan Coordinator

62. Leigh Simmons, MD

63. Alison Liu, MD, MPH

64. Julia Koehler, MD

65. Amir Hassan, MD

66. Paula Watnick, MD, PhD

67. Rita Wang, MD

68. Amanda Stewart, MD, MPH, Attending Physician

69. Sarah Koolsbergen

70. Jessica Gregory, MD

71. Claire Paduano, M

72. Priyank Jain, MBBS

73. Timothy O’Neil, African Community Education, Director of Development

74. Cecile Tousignant, MS, CEO, Child Tools Consulting

75. Carline Desire, Association of Haitian Women, Inc, Executive Director

76. Julia Randall, MD

77. Terri LaCoursiere-Zucchero, PhD, RN, FNP

78. Alyssa Coffin, MD

79. Caren Solomon, MD, MPH

80. Leika Cherubin, Community Health Worker, RISE

81. Maydee Morales, Worcester Community Organizer

82. Rebecca Lee, MD

83. Maggie McGean, MD

84. Laura McNulty, MPH, MSW, Community Health Epidemiologist

85. Peter Smith, MD

86. Keiko Mizuguchi, MA, LMHC, Behavioral Health Clinician

87. Ghulam Khan, MD

88. Helen Gibbons, PharmD, MPH, Pharmacist

89. Rachel Mott Keis, MD

90. James Apt, Medical Case Manager

91. Iomay Caban, Salasin, Housing Navigator

92. Sandra McCollin MPH

93. Kristin Guyot, JD

94. Kathleen Kendrick, Case Manager, Meryl’s Safe Haven

95. Beth Rosenberg, ScD, MPH

96. Linda Smith, MA, ATR-BC, LMHC, Senior Clinical Supervisor

97. Alexis Ladd, Masters in Public Health, Marketing

98. Stephanie Yesner, BSN,

99. Amy Copperman, MLPB, Executive Director

100. Elizabeth Green, Executive Director Three Sisters Garden Project

101. Beth Derderian, MPH, AE-C, Quality and Population Health Manager

102. Dominica Diaz, Community Health Worker

103. Rachel Allende, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker

104. Kate Shapiro, JD, CAPV Program Manager

105. Isabel Lana, Program Coordinator for the Center for Immigrant Health and Asylum Clinic

106. Kelly Flannery, C-CHW, MPH, Community Health Worker Team Lead

107. Kerri George, Housing Search Specialist, FCRHRA

108. Judy Wolberg, MSN, CNM retired, BIJAN- Beyond Bail and Legal Defense Fund

109. Linda Smith, MA, ATR-BC, LMHC, Senior Clinical Supervisor

110. Adam Bazari, MD

111. Robin McKenzie, MD

112. Melanie Brunt, MD, MPH

113. Karina Edouard, Doctoral Candidate, Cornell University

114. Malini Sampath, Case Manager

115. Jeffrey Herman, RN BSN MPH

116. Jim Recht, MD, Psychiatrist

117. Nicole Sabatino, RN, MA SANE, Women’s Health Nurse Manager

118. Rosa Guerra, Center for New Americans, Ed & Career Advisor

119. Andrew Hyatt, MD, Staff psychiatrist

120. Meranda Baptiste, RAFT Administrator

121. Andrew Olsen, MS, PA-C, Physician Assistant

122. Jenna Berry, DMH, Human Service Coordinator

123. Joanne Gravell

124. Alice Wanamaker, MIRA Coalition, Legal Support Intern

125. Mary Ladesic, DNP, NP-BC, Nurse Practitioner

126. Lisa Rahn, YMCA Southcoast Community Outreach Director

127. Miriam Harris, MD, MSc,

128. Gwen Weissinger, Marketing Coordinator

129. Claudine Marie Guerrier, MEd, Counseling Psychology Operation ABLE Boston, MASNAP Outreach Coordinator/ Bilingual Community Advocate

130. Eve Gilmore, MSW, Edward Street, CEO

131. Etel Haxhiaj, Worcester City Councilor

132. Pamela Gudino, RN, MPH, FNP-BC

133. Liv Anna Homstead, MSW, Coalition Building Manager

134. Lillian Siegel, CNM

135. Nina Robinson, MBA, Former Operations Manager of Quincy Temporary Emergency Shelter at Eastern Nazarene College

136. Emily Hurstak, MD, MPH, MAS

137. Cassis Henry, MD, Psychiatrist

138. Kimberly Goldstein, LICSW, Social Worker in Primary Care Clinic

139. Amir Mohareb, MD

140. Omolewa Fagboore, Nigerian American Organization, Career Pipeline Program Director

141. Emily Regier, MD

142. Jesse Muzzy, People’s Medicine Project, Assistant Director

143. Nicole Young-Sileo, MD

144. Stephan Chataigne, RN

145. G Welch, MS, Community Action Pioneer Valley, Youth Housing Specialist

146. Andrea Gordon, MD

147. Devin Wolfe, MSW, LCSW, Clinical Social Worker

148. Crystal Andrade, MBA, Accounting Office Manager

149. Ellen Forman, LICSW, Department of Clinical Social Work, Manager, Community Resource Center

150. Jackson Roberts, MD

151. Sarah Hadge, LICSW, Social worker

152. Kaleena Thompson, M.Ed, Community health worker

153. Nikki Monfredo, Bachelor’s Degree of Science, Kennedy Community Health Center, Community Health Worker

154. Emily Lapidus, LICSW

155. Emily Kung, MD, Pediatrician

156. Feyla Mcnamara, Tides for Reproductive Freedom, Co-Executive Director

157./ Christine Tardiff, MSW, LICSW, MAPM, Social Worker

158. Diliana De Jesus, Casa Esperanza, Inc., Chief Development Officer & Deputy Director

159. Cara Callahan, Tides for Reproductive Freedom, Director of Intake

160. Claudia Guillen, DNP

161. Eliza Lawrence, MA, Regional Environmental Council

162. Margot Jones,

163. Aisha James, MD

164. Peggi McSharry, RN, ACRN, Associate Director, HIV Services

165. Jillian Santom, MSW, LICSW, Maternity Social Worker

166. Paula Cruz, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CNOR

167. Kathryn HimmlsteinMD, MSEd

168. Lydia Davis, Director Youth Homeless Action Group, Community Action Pioneer Valley Training & Activism Coordinator

169. Kyle Zegel, Just Roots, Community Support Coordinator

170. Sunflower Petrichor, Community Worker

171. Jessica Hunnewell, MPH, Researcher

172. Jonathan Harris, PA-C

173. Peggi McSharry, RN, ACRN, Associate Director, HIV Services

174. Tatiana Saenz, MSN RN

175. Katherine McDaniel, MD, MSc, Fellow, Preventive Medicine

176. Lesly Adame, Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition, Food Access Coordinator

177. Tiffany Joseph, PhD, Northeastern University, Associate Professor

178. Alison Liu, MD, MPH

179. Judith Goldberger, RN, BSN, Staff nurse, Labor & delivery

180. Laura Sylvester, MPH/MPPA, Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, Public Policy Manager

181. Puja Kranz-Howe, YWCA Cambridge Advocacy and Youth Leadership Manager

182. Gina Landrin, African Community Education, Case Manager

183. Adrienne Mosey, LICSW

183. Bianca Viazzoli, LCSW, Inpatient Pediatric Clinical Social Worker

184. Caroline Rohnstock, Resource Specialist, Social Services

185. Claudia Motta, Massachusetts General Hospital

186. Elsa Guzman, Community Mental Health Worker

187. Susan Massad, Professor

188. Madeline Liakos, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker

189. Grace Santana, Resource Specialist Social Services

190. Mary Bennett, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker

191. Laura Rose

192. Pamela Schwartz, Director, Western MA Network to End Homelessness

193. Kathryn Sweeney, Community Resource Specialist

194. Vanessa Adjei, MPH, C-CHW, Project Manager

195. Meredith Laban, Director

196. Sarah Reilly, MSW LCSW, Clinical Social Worker

197. Tiara Lamberth, Project Specialist

198. Anna Luti, LICSW, Integrated Care Management Program

199. Ana Reinoso, Certified Health Coach, Patient Navigator

200. Anna Sophia Morales, Developmental Specialist

201. Haidee Cano, LICSW, Confíanza Psychotherapy Social Worker

202. Laura McCarthy, RN, Case Manager

203. Lia Rosenberg, PA-C, Primary Care Physician Assistant

204. Meghan Caldwell, LICSW, Pediatric Social Worker

205. Erickson Cyrius, Community Health Worker

206. Rev. Paul Langston-Daley, MDiv. First Parish in Concord, Unitarian Universalist, Minister for Social Action

207. Susan Kessler, LICSW, MGH Lurie Center for Autism, Family Support Clinician

208. Rose Webster-Smith, Springfield, Director, No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude

209. Elizabeth Deleon, Senior Patient Navigator

210. Jessica Bethoney, Professor

211. Nakia Navarro, Building Audacity, Lead Organizer

212. Miraf Kebede, Community Health Worker

213. Karla Haney MSN, BSN

214. Molly Nylen, Development Operations Coordinator

215. Zoe Weinstein, MD, MS, Boston Medical

216. Hallie Rozansky, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine

217. Pooja Mehta, MD, MSHP

218. Rebeca Vergara Greeno, MD,

219.Patricia Guglietta, MD

220. Robert Quinn-O’Connor, Master of Education (Counseling Psychology), Social Services Advocate

221. Gloria Rosario, Patient Navigator

222. Sabel Flynn, BSN RN, ACRN

223. Meghan Sullivan, MSW, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker

224. Kelley Lane, MBA, MSW, LCSW

225. Chelsea Sedani, MSW, Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center Director of Advocacy

226. Jefferson Xu, Community Health Worker

227. Joseph Boyle, MD

228. Kasandra Gomez Cortes, Patient Navigator

229. Michelle Haimowitz, Executive Director, Massachusetts Head Start Association

230. Andrins Renaudin, Executive Director, Cognitive Holistic Healing

231. Camden Fuller, JD, Central West Justice Center

232. Nancy Mahoney, Making Opportunity Count-Head Start Director

234. Robert Hallion, Behavioral Health Partners of MetroWest, Executive Director

235. Emily Herzig, Northeast Justice Center, Senior Paralegal

236. Rev. Laura Everett, M.Div., Massachusetts Council Of Churches, Executive Director

237. Robert P.Marlin, MD, PhD, MPH

238. Sara Pateras-Poli, MSW, LCSW, Project Manager

239. Andrew Fagan Housing Specialist

240. Katlyn Troisi, LICSW, Social Worker

241. Linda Finkle, Advocates, Inc.Behavioral Health Care Coordinator

242. Julia Bartolomeo, MD

243. Katelyn Elie MA — Clinical Psychology, Advocates, Clinical Care Manager

244. Stephanie Di Dio, LCSW, Family Promise Metrowest, Director of Programs

245. Cayden Davis, MA, Behavioral Health Partners of MetroWest, Project Coordinator

246. Rachel Harrington-Levey, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Director of Behavioral Health for Family Team

247. Katie Flanagan, Development Associate

248. Alexandra Todorov, RNS, MOC Child Care & Head Start, Health Coordinator

249. Stephanie Tavarez, LMHC, Behavioral Health clinician

250. Emiluy Gregonis, MSN, PMHNP-BC

251. Alan Papscun, Artist

252. Joseph Lloyd, PhD, Greater Framingham Community Church, Pastor

253. Ruth Economou, MSW, Social Worker

254. Brenna Feeley, LICSW, Clinical social worker

255. Beckie Tachick, RN

256. Mary Ann Kopydlowski, RN, BSN

257. Paula Hercule, MD, Primary care physician

258. Tayler Wyss, MPH, Training Manager

259. Andrea M.Park, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Director of Community Driven Advocacy

260. Samantha Kelts, RN, BSN, Respite Nurse

261. Patricia Baker, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Senior Policy Advocate

262. Joe Wright, MD,

263. Elizabeth Lewis, Lead Analyst

264. Maggie Sullivan, FNP-BC, DrPH, FXB Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard, Instructor and Primary care provider

265. Helena Kennedy Collin, MD

266. Nepantla Canizzo, MPH student

267. Sanju Nembang, Administrator for federally qualified health care for unhoused program

268. Carolyn Matheson, Nurse Practitioner

269. Rose Molina, MD, MPH, B

270. Veronica Lopez Gousset, MPH student

271. Claudia Lopez Boston

272. Marybeth Campbell, Worcester Community Action Council, CEO

273. Travis Henderson, LICSW

274. Jim O’Connell, MD

275. Samantha Rawlins-Pilgrim, MD, MSc

276. Samantha Truong, MD, OBGYN

277. Janet Donovan, JD, Attorney

278. Malak Rafla, MD, Psychiatrist

279. Lichelle Bradshaw, MSW, LCSW, Emergency Department Social Worker

280. Marguerite Beiser, ANP-BC, AAHIVS

281. Rev. Dr. J Anthony Lloyd, Greater Framingham Community Church Pastor

282. Stephanie Tavarez, LMHC

283. Christina Cavanaro, RN, MSN

284. Nicole Driscoll, Resource Specialist

285. Ana Nealon, Behavioral Health Clinician

286. Aaron Price, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker

287. Karina Morales Valvoline

287. Lauren Fedak, PMHNP, Psychiatric Nurse Pracitioner

288. Tenzin Chokki, Communications Manager

289. Sabetta Singh, MD, Chief medical Resident

290. Robert Fain, MD, Resident Physician

291. Dacise Jean-Simon, PPOC-BCH, Case Coordinator

292. Katie Hayward, LICSW, Social Worker

293. Rhiannon Snide, J.D., Staff Attorney

294. Colleen Laurence MD, MPH

295. Sarah Kiser, PNP-PC

296. Michael Yang, MD

297. Elisabeth King, RN

298. Alyssa Kamath, Case Manager

299. Shaina Rodriguez, Financial counselor for Mass Health insurance

300. Karen Sweeney Chun, PA-C, MPH

301. Roberta Jackson, Retired

302. Emily Piper, BSN, RN

303. Simon Paddock., BFA, MS, Educator

304. Donna Griffin

305. Susanae Glovacki, MSW, Metrowest Care Connection, Senior care coordinator

306. Genilce Santana, Metrowest Care Connection, Senior care coordinator

307. Simon Paddock, BFA / MS, Educator

308. Philip Dunn, JD, Retired, National Academy of Arbitrators, Labor/Management Arbitrator

309. Brittany Hansen, MD, MPH Resident Physician

310. Alex Papale, PT, DPT, Physical Therapist

311. Morgan Younkin, MD, MPH, Physician

312. Brad Kramer, One Family, Director of Public policy

313. Desiree Hartman, MSW, Senior Program Coordiantor

314. Tulaja Kumari Dahal, Public welfare student

315. Lenore Azaroff, MD, Physician

316. Jaime Matorras, LMHC, Mental health Counselor

317. Jayda Jones, MPH, Massachusetts Coalition for Health Equity, Disability Rights Advocate

318. Clyde Lanford Smith, MD, MPH, DTM&H, SJPCHC, BWH Global Community Health Advisor

319. Brett Lewis, MD, Resident Physician

320. Heloisa Galvão, Executive Director, Brazilian Women’s Group

321. Angela Kelly, LMHC, Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network LMHC

322. Samantha Wolfe, CAAS, Lead Community Organizer

323. Mario Paredes, J.D., Policy Advisor

324. Renata Mauriz, MA, Director of Immigrant Services

325. Sarah Bayer, LICSW,

326. Elizabeth Veillette, M.Ed., Resource and Employment Navigator for a large shelter system

327. LewFinfer, MA Action for Justice, Director

328. Leena Aurora, Health Equity Manager

329. Maria Pia Terra, APRN

330. Elsa Imbimbo, MD, MPH

331. Chuck McCallum, Software Engineer

332. Mahtowin Munro, United American Indians of New England, Co-leader

333. Raul Fernandez, EdD, Brookline for Racial Justice & Equity, Executive Director, Brookline for Racial Justice & Equity

334. Drexel Osborne, Program Associate

335. Dana Rous, LICSW Social Worker

336. Miller Miller, LICSW, Lynn Rapid Response Network, Immigrant Outreach Program Director

337. Diana Santiago, JD, MPH, Massachusetts Advocates for Children, Legal Director

338. David Gibbs, J.D., Community Action Agency of Somerville, Inc., Executive Director

339. Rohit Chandra, M.D., Psychiatrist

340. Sarah Gertz, Casa Esperanza, Executive Communications Manager

341. Miriam Berro Krugman, MBA, MPP, MA Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, Research and Policy Associate

342. Madeline Poage, Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, Director of Development and Communications

343. Marjory Castillo Rosario, Executive Office Coordinator

344. Laura Perras, Director of Communications

345. Obelle Pluviose, Savesouls INC, Chief Executive Officer

346. Laura Sullivan, MD, Family Medicine Physician

347. Caitlyn Patton, LICS, Family therapist

348. Doug Smith, The Right to Immigration Institute, Legal Director

349. Alejandro Bracamontes, Open Door Immigration Services, Executive Director

350. Lara Jackson, MPH, Director

351. Maria Ortiz, Case Manger/Administrative Assistant

352. Michelle Nadow, MS, DotHouse Health, CEO

353. Emily Sherwood, MPA, Retired Deputy Commissioner of Child, Youth and Family Services for the Mass. Dept. of Mental Health, 2016–2021

354. Neekita Bajaj, Patient Benefits Coordinator

355. Jessica Evans, LCSW, Casa Esperanza, Inc.Chief Operating Officer

356. Samantha Lino, Municipal Employee, Select Board Assistant

357. Samantha Lino, Town Employee Department assistant

358. Adam Haber, PhD, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Assistant Professor

359. John Slinn, MSW candidate, Intensive Case Manager

360. Cassie Hurd, Material Aid and Advocacy Program, Executive Director

361. Jill Buchanan

362. Laura Maslow-Armand, J.D. Ph.D., Staff attorney

363. William Tanner

364 Jennifer Kasper, MD, MPH, Physician

365. Lauren Shebairo, LICSW, MPH, De Novo Center for Justice and Healing, Clinical Director

366. Beth Floor

367. Deidre Alessio, RN NP

368. Sarah Brady, MSW/LISCW, Social worker

369. Luciano Paskevicius, Lowell Alliance Family Advocate

370. Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, PhD, MPH, Boston University, Research Associate Professor

371. James Cordero, Boston Democratic Socialists of America



Massachusetts Coalition for Health Equity

Coalition of physicians, public health advocates, and community leaders demanding for a comprehensive and equitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond