Interoperable — Redox + Brigham and Women’s

MassChallenge HealthTech
3 min readSep 27, 2017


In 2016 Brigham and Women’s Hospital joined the first PULSE cohort as a Champion — with a targeted priority (slot utilization in outpatient clinics). Missed appointments or late cancellations contribute significantly to the 24-day average time it takes to schedule new physician appointments in the US’ 15 largest cities.

While Brigham and Women’s meets interesting startups every week, it can be hard to differentiate and find the right fit. “We know that PULSE startups are pre-vetted, so we are excited to meet them during matchmaking” says Chen Cao, Innovation Analyst at Brigham and Women’s.

The Brigham matched and began to formulate a proposed pilot with a company at PULSE for the 2017 program to address their challenge, but this story is about a company they did not match with during matchmaking.

Matchmaking Dinner 2016.

It was December 6th, 2016. The room overlooking Fenway Park, filled with startups and partners, brimmed with anticipation, excitement, nervousness, and energy. Each startup waited on pins and needles to see which of the 20+ Champions would select them as a partner.

Redox, a company with a modern API for healthcare, delivered their 60-second pitch following dinner. They shook hands with startups and Champions, retreating to their hotel room to practice their business presentation. Tomorrow would be the first matchmaking day at PULSE. One of the companies on their list of presentations was Brigham and Women’s.

They met previously with the Brigham prior to PULSE. This reintroduction at matchmaking had the potential to rekindle that relationship.

Redox joined the program having matched with multiple Champions — the Brigham wasn’t initially one of them. However, their rekindling “caught FHIR” earlier this month when Redox and Brigham and Women’s announced that they are teaming up to “scale digital health innovation.” Like so many members of the 2017 PULSE cohort, matchmaking wasn’t the end for Redox’s PULSE journey.

“Throughout the year we observed the power of the PULSE network as a great convener of digital health stakeholders, bringing together Champions such as health systems (the Brigham), corporations, and startups” says Beverly Hardy, Innovation Strategy Manager at Brigham and Women’s.

During the 2017 program, both organizations continued the dialogue, worked hard, and eventually created something new together. According to Redox’s co-founder Niko Skievaski, this is the “first enterprise-wide sale Redox has made to a health system.” For the Brigham, it’s a way to become an even more digital-friendly institution.

Dr. Mark Zhang, Medical Director of Digital Health Implementation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Looking to next year’s 2018 program, Brigham and Women’s elected to take a different approach when Dr. Mark Zhang (Medical Director of Digital Health Implementation at Brigham and Women’s and Co-Founder of 2017 PULSE company Cake) delivered his reverse pitch at the September 13th, 2017 PULSECHECK.

Rather than bring a specific challenge to their pitch, they focused on finding collaborators to co-Champion with to increase impact. “We want to be the most startup friendly provider on the planet,” Dr. Zhang stated. Brigham and Women’s goal is to be the digital hospital of the future.

Once Redox is up and running, Dr. Zhang said “any startup at PULSE working with us will be able to integrate quickly.”

Apply to PULSE today.

Be one of the first companies to partner with Brigham and Women’s using Redox.

Application deadline is October 10, 2017.

Dr. Mark Zhang recorded this reverse pitch video prior to his pitch on stage at the September, 13th 2017 PULSECHECK.

Nick Dougherty

Program Director PULSE@MassChallenge

Read about more stories of adding additional Champions after matchmaking and how our startups earned 52% more in overall revenue during the program in our 2017 Impact Report.

Read more about our relationship with the BWH iHub and the challenges PULSE is addressing in 2018.



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