Why Apply to PULSE@MassChallenge?

MassChallenge HealthTech
6 min readJul 23, 2018


There are so many reasons to be a part of the PULSE accelerator community. From strategic partnerships with our Champion organizations to accessible healthcare and business workshops to world-class mentors, PULSE provides access to the digital healthcare community that you wouldn’t be able to access anywhere else.

SAVE THE DATE: Join us on Thursday, September 13th from 5–7pm at the Microsoft NERD Center as part of Startup Boston as we celebrate the launch of our 2019 applications with Massachusetts’ digital health community of entrepreneurs, government, corporates, payors, providers, pharma and more.

Have an idea that can solve healthcare’s biggest challenges? We’d love to meet you!

Read below to learn from alumni and partners what made PULSE such an amazing program:

Champion Relationships

With 100+ Startup-Champion partnerships, 20+ Champion challenges and 15 Startup-Champion pilots, the 2018 PULSE accelerator exceeded the expectations of many of the 30+ startups.

  • “We really felt that with the Champion we were matched with, they really helped us to understand some of our challenges and issues in a way that we wouldn’t have if we were just coming to pitch to them.” -Narath Carlile,ACT.MD
  • “PULSE has connected us with a ton of advisors in the healthcare space that helped refine our value proposition and also connected us with partners that we will continue to work with way beyond the program.” Zach Kabelac, Emerald Innovations
  • “The most valuable part of PULSE is how startups and Champions are partnered together to jointly solve specific problems and bring new solutions to market. This focused approach is what makes PULSE a very successful program that I recommend to everyone in the digital health space.” -Alaina Adams, Healthimation
  • “PULSE gave us the opportunity to connect with awesome Champions, such as Philips, Servier, as well as industry leaders. We made some really good developments with them and plan on having these partnerships for the long run.” -Justin Yang, Mobiosense
  • “PULSE has been extremely helpful to Neopenda by introducing us to a larger healthcare network, namely our Champion, Philips, in addition to a lot of the mentors that we spoke with.” -Sona Shah, Neopenda
  • “The ability to work with our Champion has been a huge traction point. Their name brings a lot of credibility with high profile clients to our company.” -Andy Chan, VIT
  • “PULSE helped us tap into Boston’s Digital Health Ecosystem. We are now partnering with AARP, Microsoft, every major VR company basically that there is in the world and we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish that without PULSE.” -Eran Orr, VRHealth
  • “The support and commitment from our [Champions are] simply a resource we would not find anywhere. It’s advanced our clinical effort by 12 months”. -Daniel Beeler, SyncThink

PULSE Programming

  • “PULSE creates a tremendous amount of value for digital health startups. Participating in PULSE has helped us land big-name customers, win awards, attract investors, and hire top talent. Plus, we got a lot of in-kind support, too! It’s no wonder that so many startups, including ours, want to do it twice.” -Eric Gastfriend, DynamiCare Health
  • “PULSE allowed us to achieve something in a really short amount of time which I don’t think would have been possible without the structure of the program — helping align our partners and us on a timeline together.”-Suelin Chen, Cake
  • “PULSE helped us understand how to present our technology as not just a technology app, but as a solution to a bigger problem we’re trying to solve.” -Nick Adams, Care Thread
  • “PULSE has helped by providing us the opportunity to move forward with our mission.” -Barry Finette, THINKMD

The Digital Healthcare Community

  • “Interacting with fellow entrepreneurs is incredible, the caliber of entrepreneurs in [PULSE] is something to marvel at. Everyone is super smart, motivated and working on incredible problems.” -Sirj Goswami, CEO and Co-Founder of InsightRX
  • “PULSE helped us to gain visibility and also to get connected with the main actors in healthcare!” -Ana Maiques, Neuroelectrics
  • “ConquerX changed my life. PULSE made us move 100% more than without it. We have an amazing cohort and I’m super proud to be part of this community.” -Deborah Zanforlin, ConquerX
  • “PULSE helped us connect in the Boston recovery space which was really our main goal, to start local without technology and then scale outwards later.” -Emily Lindermer, Hey,Charlie
  • “PULSE provided access to organizations and resources that we never would have been able to get on our own.” -Ted Acworth, Insightfil
  • “PULSE has served as a springboard for our community’s success. As part of the program, we tested new business models with awesome champions/partners, doubled our team size and raised our first outside capital.” -Sean Eldridge, Gain Life
  • “Our PULSE Pal really helped us navigate the program and provided us support through the process. Our Champion — Brigham & Women’s Hospital — was exceptional in the amount of involvement and support they provided. What I really liked about this program was the constant theme of “How can I help you be successful?” -Harsh Vathsangam, Moving Analytics

The State, the City and the Champions

  • “When you look at the biotechnology system in Boston, you think of the ecosystem. We have world class hospitals and universities that do medical research and really having these types of companies coming to our city… and PULSE has been tremendous resource in advancing this initiative forward”. -Martin Walsh, Mayor, City of Boston
  • “PULSE is a direction that I can move startups towards and to say go apply to PULSE. Previously, we could only accommodate maybe 4 or 5 startups a year and now with PULSE, it’s like we’ve had an extended bench in terms of sourcing startups and then being able to really strategically match with them.” -Julia Jackson, Managing Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Healthcare Transformation Lab
  • “PULSE@MassChallenge has amazing reach into the global innovation ecosystem and with their focus on community and healthcare we felt like they would be a great partner for us.” -Josh Anthony, Campbell’s Vice President of Global Research and Regulatory Affairs and Founding Chief Science Officer at Habit,
  • “We are pleased to have had this opportunity to partner with Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare in regards to the pilot, and Cake and Gain Life.”
    -Vivian Leonard, Director of Human Resources, City of Boston
  • “We’re really excited about PULSE broadly because it’s a test, it’s an experiment for us and we think it’s been a very successful experiment in figuring out how to accelerate the growth in digital health companies.” -Laurance Stuntz, Director, Massachuestts eHealth Institute
  • “Brigham and Women’s has been involved in MassChallenge for quite some time. We were really excited when Governor Baker announced the state initiative on digital health.” -Adam Landman, Chief Information Officer and Vice President, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Interested in figuring out if your digital health startup is a good fit for PULSE? SAVE THE DATE for Thursday, September 13th to hear reverse pitches from PULSE’s Champions to discover what the industry cares about for 2019 and get a sneak peek into the digital health lab!



MassChallenge HealthTech

We believe when startups & patients win, we transform healthcare. Join our community & help us solve healthcare’s massive challenges. masschallenge.org.