Why Greta Thunberg should face tradeoff issues

Massimo Famularo
3 min readOct 3, 2019

We may or may not like the way Greta Thunberg used, but we all should agree on the relevance of the argument she raised about global warming.

Source: Bloomberg article based on NASA’s Model

Now that a large and growing number of people across the world (at least in the most rich and developed countries) are considering that relevance of an environmentally sustainable behaviour in the present to avoid unpleasant outcomes in future time has come to talk about tradeoffs.

Even though saying to the world “how dare you to spoil my future ?” sounds effective and emotional the actual truth is that production of Greenhouse gases and broadly speaking pollution is not due to the activity of few bad guys that you can blame for the past and/or force to change behaviour in future.

It is instead the result of the action of billions of people and therefore any possible solution imply a substantial and complex problem of coordination between this large number of agents.

