I’m Available For Work

Mat Sherman
2 min readMar 29, 2017


Hey all. Due to reasons, I am making some of my skills available to the community, to hire me on a contractor basis. Here’s what i’m best at:


I will blog for you

I write daily on this blog. Check out both my publications here and here to get a idea of my style. I would say my writings cater towards millennials, but I can write to any audience.

I will transfer your current blog onto Medium.com

I will transfer the blog on your website over to Medium.com. I will create a publication for you, format it as you wish, and transfer all your blogs to medium. Medium is a smart place to be putting your content. You don’t have to exclusively be putting content on it but you should be at least cross posting.

I will cross post your future blog posts to Medium

If you want to be posting on medium but already have a system of blogging in your company, let me come in and cross post every blog your team creates over to Medium.


I will find You beta testers

I’m pretty connected here in Phoenix. Need beta testers? Need feedback on your app? I’ll go out and find them for you.

I will run your user interviews

I know how to run a user interview. I’ve done it. I’ve talked about it. And most people do it wrong. I will either teach you how to run a proper user interview or run the interviews myself.


I will launch your product

Aside from my growing email list, social reach, and ability to post on Product Hunt, I will join your launch team weeks in advance, and work tirelessly to get your launch to as many people as possible. I can hustle so let me hustle for you.

Random Things

I’m quite a resourceful guy, and I like to think i’m an intelligent person. I have a broad skillset and can learn quickly. Need something that isn’t on the list? Try me.

If interested in any of these services, please fill out this quick form and I will be in touch within 24 hours.


