MATR1X KUKU Staking Guide

2 min readDec 12, 2023


KUKU Kacha and Speed UP

1, How to Stake Your KUKU?

Staking entrance:

After your MINT, KUKU NFT staking opens immediately with two pools available.

  • KUKU Pool: Single KUKU staking
  • KUKU Team Pool: Staking a combo of 5 KUKUs

2,Benefits of Staking KUKU:

  • Receive exclusive, rare treasure cases (KUKU X COLLECTION)
  • Earn MAX points
  • ……and more

Important: All current and future KUKU NFT benefits are exclusively for stakers.

3, What’s the Significance of KUKU X COLLECTION Cases?

  • The KUKU X COLLECTION cases, produced from staking KUKU NFTs, are precious and can reveal unique, top-tier MATR1X NFTs of skins & cosmetic items.
  • Additionally, they have a chance to contain commemorative weapon skins with exclusive stamps, highly valuable for collectors. Unlocking these also grants mysterious rewards.

4, What are MAX Points? Why are They Important?

MAX points will be eligible for future $MAX airdrops. The point system is launching soon.

MAX points are earned in three ways:

  1. Through KUKU staking
  2. By case opening
  3. Obtaining high-quality skin assets from cases

5, How to Earn More MAX Points?

More MAX points are earned by staking more KUKUs for longer periods, opening more cases, and obtaining NFTs of high-quality skins & cosmetic items.

The KUKU Team Pool (combo staking) offers a higher MAX point reward coefficient.

6, Rules for Earning Cases through Staking

KUKU staking cases are distributed weekly, resetting every Monday at 00:00 UTC+8, over a total of 35 weeks. Case allocation depends on each account’s “Reward Weight.”

Case Allocation Formula for Each Account

  • Your Case Count = (Weekly Total Case Release) * (Your Reward Weight / Sum of All Accounts’ Reward Weights)

Account Reward Weight:

  • Reward Weight = (Number of Staked KUKU NFTs * 100) + Current Loyalty Points

Loyalty Points

  • Both KUKU staking pools start with 0 Loyalty Points.
  • Single KUKU Pool: Loyalty Point grows at 2.5/day, capped at 300.
  • KUKU Team Pool: Loyalty Point grows at 16.6667/day, capped at 2000.




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