Matrixed.Link: 1 year as a Chainlink Node Operator

3 min readApr 14, 2023


Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to interact with external data and events. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that run on blockchain networks. These agreements lack the ability to access data outside of the blockchain. Chainlink solves this problem by providing a secure and reliable way to bring external data into smart contracts, bridging the gap between blockchain and the real world.

The vision of Chainlink is to become the go-to solution for powering smart contracts with real-world data. Chainlink utilizes a network of external node operators that form a decentralized oracle network, enabling the development of robust and secure decentralized applications (dApps) across various blockchains. Chainlink aims to provide a reliable source of truth for smart contracts, enabling them to access data from a wide range of off-chain sources such as APIs, web services, IoT devices, and more.

Today, we’re excited to announce that Matrixed.Link — a leading DLT service provider — has been operating OCR nodes for Chainlink for 1 year. The team is contributing to the safety of DeFi by providing the critical infrastructure needed to make the Chainlink vision a reality. As of today, Matrixed.Link supports Chainlink on Ethereum, Polygon, and Arbitrum with more to come in the cross-chain future.

The journey began with a rough start in April of 2022 during uncertain market conditions following the LUNA crash. The Chainlink Network was also moving from their subsidizing model to a sustainable revenue-generating model during this time, which made it hard for new node operators to get a big initial set of jobs. Fast forward six months, and we gradually started getting more and more jobs. We are now servicing over 100 data feeds.

We are excited to continue our endeavors in the Chainlink Network. By professionally maintaining our OCR nodes in the Chainlink network and growing the number of chains and services we operate on, we hope to support the Chainlink vision. Just like the community, we are also looking forward to the release of key services like CCIP, FSS, and DECO.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the most attractive oracle solution for both Web3 applications and node operators. It provides data integrity by cryptographically signing all data supplied on-chain to verify its origin, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks. Chainlink nodes are also blockchain agnostic, compatible with any blockchain environment, serving as a single gateway to sell data to any current or future blockchain. Chainlink is also the most widely used oracle network in the blockchain industry, providing access to a vast addressable market of potential data consumers. Chainlink is thoroughly audited open-source software that already secures billions of dollars in value, showcasing its ability to trigger the automation of high-value smart contacts live in production.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About Matrixed.Link

Matrixed.Link is a DLT service provider based in the Netherlands that is committed to delivering the most reliable and secure on-chain data for the web3 ecosystem. The team at Matrixed.Link works tirelessly to help advance the web3 space, offering a range of services as a node service provider. They run validators, oracles, and premium endpoints for leading web3 companies. The team is continuously expanding its services to increase its footprint in the web3 ecosystem.

If you’re interested in discussing an integration with Matrixed.Link, please visit their contact page.

