Time Travelling is a Real Thing

It doesn’t just Exist. I bet you experienced it too.

Matt Youth


Image by Genty from Pixabay

Boring day. The marvellous lead-grey skies float still, over my head, over Greater London. It sounds like a scene from Armageddon, although there are no Alien Ships in the air (I know, I checked).

I am so distracted, unmotivated, I’d say completely lost, and I have to finish working on some of my furniture. Sad. Even the overflowing mug (should I say bowl?) of coffee didn’t do the trick.

So, what else can I do?

Hell yeah, I’ll time travel, that’s easy.

You might think that boredom and laziness drove me off a bloody imaginary cliff. I bet you are imagining me grabbing a pair of vintage goggles, slipping into a fancy dark-blue denim dungaree, top hat on and pocket watch in hand.


Although I’d really love having that sh*t, I must admit getting to another era was way much easier than that. Inexpensive too, you figure!

I was staring at the cold emotionless screen of my laptop when something snapped into my brain. My hands approached the mouse — Spotify — click — keyboard — typing a mysterious name into the blank search strip:



Matt Youth

Writer, Rock’n’Roller, decent-human wannabe. Find my Books and other stuff on www.mattyouth.com