66DaysOfData challenge -DataScience Interview questions-Day28

Matt Chang
4 min readOct 2, 2023


Greetings everyone!👋

I’ve recently come across this video about how to build up a habit of learning data science. I was inspired by the author, Ken Jee, and the author of 5 Tips to Make Data Engineering a Marathon, Not a SprintTim Webster, and have decided to take on this challenge. I aim to post three to four random data science interview questions from Stratascratch every week. All the questions will be coming from big tech companies like FAANG. I will be utilizing AI tools to enhance my learning speed on specific topics.

Right! Before diving into the Day 28 question, make sure you’ve done Day 27.


Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

Company: Amazon

Question type: System Design

Question level: Medium

Job Title: Data Scientist / ML Engineer


On e-commerce websites, such as Amazon, users sometimes want to buy products that are out of stock. How would you design a recommendation system to suggest the replacement for these products?

Suggested answer:

Designing a recommendation system to suggest replacements for out-of-stock products on e-commerce websites involves multiple components, including data collection, feature extraction, model building, and deployment. Below are the steps and considerations to keep in mind:

Data Collection

  1. Product Metadata: Collect details about each product such as category, brand, price range, ratings, and specifications.
  2. User Behavior: Track user interactions with products like clicks, purchases, and reviews.

Feature Engineering

  1. Product Similarity: Use text-based (e.g., TF-IDF, word embeddings) and image-based (e.g., image embeddings) techniques to measure the similarity between different products.
  2. User Preferences: Utilize historical data to infer user preferences, such as favorite brands or categories.

Algorithm Selection

Collaborative Filtering:

Collaborative Filtering (CF) makes automatic predictions about users’ interests by collecting preferences from many users. There are two main types:

  • User-based: If user A and user B have bought similar items in the past, then the items bought by user B but not by user A can be recommended to user A and vice versa.
  • Item-based: If item X and item Y were mostly bought by the same set of users, then they are considered similar. If a user buys item X, then item Y can be recommended.
  • Item-based: If item X and item Y were mostly bought by the same set of users, then they are considered similar. If a user buys item X, then item Y can be recommended.

Content-Based Filtering:

This approach uses item features to recommend similar items. Features could include:

  • Textual Features: Description, title, category, tags, etc.
  • umerical or Categorical Features: Price, brand, rating, etc.

Hybrid Models:

These models combine the strengths of both collaborative and content-based filtering.

  • Weighted Hybrid: Collaborative and content-based predictions are made independently and combined at the end.
  • Stacked Hybrid: The model uses the predictions of each approach as inputs and makes a final prediction.

Reinforcement Learning:

In a dynamic environment like e-commerce where inventory and user behavior can change rapidly, Reinforcement Learning (RL) can be beneficial. One commonly used RL algorithm in recommendation systems is the multi-armed bandit algorithm.

  • Multi-Armed Bandit: It is like A/B testing but optimized in real-time. Each product recommendation is an “arm,” and the one with the higher click-through or conversion rate is the “winning” arm. The system can explore various recommendations and exploit the ones that are performing well. This balance of exploration and exploitation makes it adaptive to real-time changes.

Real-Time Adaptability

  1. Inventory Check: Ensure that the replacement product is in stock.
  2. Price Sensitivity: If the original item was on sale, the replacement should ideally be within a similar price range.

User Interface

  1. Explainability: Provide a short explanation for why the product is being recommended as a replacement.
  2. Easy Navigation: Users should be able to see the alternative easily and navigate to the product page with a single click.

Monitoring and Feedback Loop

  1. Click-Through Rate: Track how often the recommended replacements are clicked.
  2. Conversion Rate: Track how often these clicks convert to sales.
  3. Feedback: Enable a feature to collect user feedback on recommendations for continuous improvement.

Feel free to drop me a question or comment below.

Cheers, happy learning. I will see you tomorrow.

The data journey is not a sprint but a marathon.

Medium: MattYuChang

LinkedIn: matt-chang

Facebook: Taichung English Meetup

(I created this group four years ago for people who want to hone their English skills. Events are held regularly by our awesome hosts every week. Follow the FB group link for more information!)

