Matt Horeczko — What are Simple and Aggravated Assault Laws?

Matt Horeczko
2 min readSep 27, 2021

An assault is an unwanted crime of violence, which is different from one place to another. It is also an act in which one person intentionally sexually touches another person without that person’s consent. To understand deeply the meaning of assault, you need to some of the articles and if you are suffering from such a horrible crime then you should hire an experienced lawyer like Matt Horeczko. Here we will discuss some of the main divisions of assault:

Assault as physical connection

Assault is the intentional benefit of force or violence against another innocent person. It also involves punching a person or hitting the victim with a sharp object and this approach is called an “attempted assault”. Swinging at someone but missing would be an attempted assault.

Matt Horeczko — What are Simple and Aggravated Assault Laws?

Assault as an attempt to physically touch:

In other places, assault does not pre-purpose actual physical contact and is defined as an attempt to do a physical attack. If someone is threatening that causes a person to feel afraid of impending violence. In few states, when the attempt is accomplished, the resulting crime is battery. In this, there is no such crime as an “attempted assault,” as the assault itself is an attempt.

Sometimes verbal threats are usually not enough to account for an assault. Some activities like raising a punch and moving towards a victim are required to make a case of assault. In some states, hurting someone while walking towards him with a punch will be called assault. To grab more information about assault laws, you have to read a section of state laws.

Matt Horeczko — What are Simple and Aggravated Assault Laws?

Simple and Aggravated Assault

Simple assault is the lowest serious form of assault and usually has a minor injury or a particular threat of violence. However, When the victim is threatened with a minor slap across the face such a serious crime is known as aggravated assault. A competent person like Matt Horeczko can help you fight an aggravated assault charge by protecting your rights and achieve the best possible results.

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Matt Horeczko

The Law Offices of Matt Horeczko is dedicated to the practice of Criminal Defense in California State Courts and U.S. Federal Courts.