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One Year of No Booze (10 months in…)

Matt Hallowes
4 min readSep 30, 2019

I decided to give up drinking in preparation for a Vipassana 10-day silent retreat over Christmas and New Year 2018/2019.

I started the sabbatical in November 2018, one month before the retreat.

The idea was to go into the 10 days of meditation with a clear mind. Free from any influence booze might have over the experience.

At the end of the retreat, I decided to carry on with the no booze regime. See how long I could last and what the benefits of a booze-free lifestyle would bring.

Fears of being completely sober — social encounters and meeting people

I was a little apprehensive at the idea of not drinking. Especially while traveling and meeting people.

Alcohol is a fantastic social lubricant. I’d had many a boozy night along my travels through South East Asia meeting people from around the world.

Sometimes things got out of hand with a wild night to remember… or forget. But most of the time, it was just fun sharing a drink or two with a stranger/s.

So, my first fear was, would I become “the boring non-drinker?”

I think because this was a conscious decision I made for myself, I never felt I had to impress anyone.

I still went out with friends for drinks and even met new people on my travels.

Some people thought I was a bit weird while others were impressed by the will power to sit and converse with people getting tipsy while I remained sober.

The Benefits of a No Booze Lifestyle

If anything, I have learned to communicate better since giving up booze last November. I’m more confident and able to articulate my thoughts better.

A big plus is the amount of money I’ve saved. I wasn’t a big drinker, but I’d have a couple of beers or a glass of vino or two in the evenings.

When you’re traveling around South East Asia, there’s nothing better than saluting the sunset while sipping on an ice-cold alcoholic beverage. These few dollars a day quickly add up to $50 a week, depending on your poison.

If I had a big night out, that $50 might double, triple or more for the week.

Not drinking saved me a lot of money which I was then able to invest in other areas of my life.

Another benefit was the health aspect. I feel stronger and healthier. I sleep better, wake up early every day, and I’m more productive.

I found that even with just one drink, I would wake up a little sluggish. We like to believe liquor knocks us out at night, and it does, but the sleep doesn’t leave you feeling rested.

I’m also waking up in the morning to either go running or do an hour in the gym. Sometimes both. I have put on a lot of muscle, and I tend to eat better than I did when I was drinking. I also never crave junk food, or the 2 am burger and chips after a night out.

Productivity is another significant benefit of not drinking. As a freelancer, there is only one person to chase and motivate me. Myself. If I’m not on it all the time, I lose out on revenue, and possibly missed opportunities from taking a “me-day” when I’m hungover.


We live in a very demanding world. There is a constant flow of content and information flying at us all the time.

It helps to have a clear mind while dealing with the demands of our world while still maintaining a “normal life.”

I’m not saying you need to give up drinking for a year as I have, but I encourage you to try it for a month. It’s Sober October, so why not give up booze for the month.

Giving up booze is not enough. Commit to doing something more with your mornings too. Especially on the weekend when you’re not waking up hungover.

Try exercising for a month or, at the very least, wake up and go for a walk. I cannot tell you how energizing and self-motivating it is to start your day with some form of workout.

I used to look forward to my weekends so I could have a party. Now I look forward to waking up early and having the full day to be productive, work on my personal projects, or just spend time with family and friends.

Have you stopped drinking for an extended period before? What benefits did you notice?



Matt Hallowes

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