Considering applying for YTILI? I have 5 quick tips for you.

Matteo Forte
4 min readDec 1, 2017


YTILI Fellows 2017 — September Cohort

What’s YTILI?

YTILI Fellowship is a series of professional development and leadership activities that are designed to support the growth and development of both commercial and social business ventures.

The program is designed to empower entrepreneurs and innovators with the training, tools, network, and resources they need to transform their societies and contribute more fully to economic development and job creation, security, and good governance in the region. The Fellowship Program is organized by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs.

Why am I writing about this?

I was selected as one of the 2017 Fellows for the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative and I thought it would be interesting for anyone who wants to apply for the next edition to know a couple of things I learnt on the go, while attending the program.

1. Prepare. In advance.

Once I got selected I started looking around for potential partners and interesting people to meet with, but it was an intense period with ADPM Drones and without the help of Devin Collins, my amazing host in Charlotte (spoiler: that was my host city), it would have been impossible to make the most out of my experience. Quick tip: start looking around for people and connections as soon as you know what your host city is.

YTILI-Ventureprise-UNCC Crew in Charlotte

2. …but keep your eyes open.

Planning is key: but you know that things can move fast, especially in such a dynamic environment. If that’s the case remember that it’s ok to take on-the-spot decisions. That’s how I ended up in NYC with Temelko at JCI New York! Quick tip: stay open and improvise.

YTILI Fellows feat. JCI NYC

3. Stay focused.

If you’re building your venture, it’s not easy to stay away for three weeks. We all know that. But once you’re in the US, take your time and stay focused on the program. It’s a unique experience and you’ll regret it if you won’t do it. Quick tip: talk to your team and explain that being selected as a YTILI Fellows it’s a special occasion for you and your venture to reach important goals and to connect with amazing people from all over the world.

Amazing people from all over the world (and the White House)

4. Build bridges, also short ones.

The first thing everyone think of when applying for YTILI probably is how to efficiently connect with key people from the US. And that’s priority number 1. But don’t forget: you’re going to meet with amazing European entrepreneurs and you really want to know each one of them. Quick tip: adopt the “American way” of networking: don’t be afraid, don’t be shy, talk to them! You’ll miss them once the program ends. Also, they’re amazing people with unique stories: it really is the opportunity of a lifetime. Quick tip: make friends, not contacts (cit.).

Friends, not contacts

5. Put your effort into it.

You’ll have deadlines, training courses, webinars, tasks. Some of them are mandatory, some of them are not. But one thing is for sure: the more you give to the fellowship the more you’ll take with you. Quick tip: participate.


Thanks to:

  • GMF and U.S. Department of State for making YTILI possible;
  • U.S. Italian Embassy (Tiziana!);
  • Ventureprise and UNC Charlotte for hosting me and helping me during my stay in Charlotte;
  • The amazing YTILI Fellows! Can’t wait to see you again in Berlin;
  • My team at ADPM Drones: without your collaboration and support it would not have been possible to fully enjoy the program;
  • The photographer: this picture is just… well.
How Italians do YTILI



Matteo Forte

🇮🇹 Mi occupo di comunicazione, innovazione e progetti culturali. || 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 I deal with communication, innovation and cultural projects.