The Moment Is Forever: Kyle Bent Shines Bright on the Album of the Year

The Boston, Massachusetts artist just became a star

9 min readDec 16, 2018
Cover Art c/o Fulton Hobbs

“All these moments we drift through / who said life was simple / they say we leave the same as we enter / you always become who you’re meant to”

Kyle Bent — the thinker, writer and MC from Randolph, Massachusetts — just snuck in the best album of 2018 two weeks before year’s end.

Originally from Jamaica, Bent is one of the most sought-out and talented artists operating out of the Boston area today. With eight studio projects already to his name, on the 15th of December Bent dropped his highly-anticipated The Moment Is Forever: his featureless, sixteen-track magnum opus produced entirely by Kyle “C.E” Crosby.

Each of the sixteen tracks are efficiently built around the one-word theme of their name, resulting in an incredibly potent album barely running one hour in total time. More impressive: the full hour is all Bent — no guest stars, no hook singers, no skits, no waste.

The Moment Is Forever is the natural maturation and continued thematic exploration of “The Moment”, a standout off his Dreams of a God album from June 2016. The major difference felt within the two years is Bent is even less concerned with slick wordplay or ‘rhyming’; much like his phenomenal non-TMIF single “Appreciated”, Bent is now inclined to share what could pass as journal entries recited over beats perfectly crafted for the theme and emotion of each track.

Kyle “C.E” Crosby shares the spotlight as the architect behind sixteen absolutely stellar sonic landscapes, each with enough room for Bent to breathe — yet detailed enough to create infectious instant rewinds. As told by Crosby, the process of crafting The Moment Is Forever was itself a metamorphosis:

“The creation of TMIF was one of the best things that happened to me; it made me quit my job in order to go out to Cali to produce this album. This album is a journey itself when listening to it, but what a lot don’t realize is the journey we all took to make this album! I honestly think it made us all realize firsthand that TMIF! There were hard times, but because we all had the right perspectives we made the best out of EVERY situation! This album hits almost every emotion you could experience/feel in life; every song is it’s own universe, Let this album make you realize how special your life is and how The Moment Is Forever!” — Kyle C.E

Mixed and master-engineered by Berklee College of Music alum Wes Yee, the crispness of the product speaks to the quality of all three contributors: The Moment Is Forever is high-level content matched equally by high-level technical execution.

“Working with Kyle is always a treat. He’s extremely focused creatively and always knows exactly what he wants, which is refreshing. He had an extremely clear vision of what he wanted TMIF to embody, and we made it happen. The essence of ambience, passion from his ad-libs and vocal performance mixed with the fact that the instrumentals are still hard as fuck and bass-heavy make the record really unique.” — Wes Yee

Even the cover art — an original commission from Australian artist Fulton Hobbs — speaks to the level of care, detail and surrealism.

“I was just going off Kyle’s brief for the vision. The aesthetic for the ‘look’ of the design is pretty much my style with filters and that ‘otherworldly’ feel.” — Fulton Hobbs

It is near-impossible to reference a modern hip-hop album this dedicated to reflection, self-awareness and vulnerability; each track Bent balances baring his soul with battlecries of confidence and eternal greatness. He effortlessly navigates between waves of self-confidence/self-doubt, love/hate, internal Heaven/Hell, introspection and exploration; most impressive is how Bent and his team made a metaphysical album sound this great lyrically and sonically.

Perhaps more than ever, audiences are starved for knowledge-driven content that simultaneously goes hard through the sound system. (Ironically, the neighboring Childhood Love Stories collective dropped the other best album of 2018, their eponymous six-track debut — itself akin to TMIF in spirit and depth). Further irony is Bent’s complete confidence and mastery when presenting doubt, insecurity, loathing, disbelief and fear of failure. Engulfing the entire essence of emotion and humanity affords Bent the ability to glide from problem to solution so effortlessly.

What makes The Moment Is Forever the best album of 2018 and an instant classic are the same ingredients as always: technical mastery with creative brilliance. A body of work this full of jewels and honesty should transverse genre and industry; every ear would benefit from hearing this collection. The exciting next step is what will Bent conjure up next after the experience of submitting The Moment Is Forever for the world to ingest and digest. Reflective and poignant, expect Bent to rise to the occasion every time out.

The future is here, the moment belongs to Kyle Bent and it’s forever. Expect the young man to make the most of it while continuing to reflect the human condition through a curious, open and honest lens.

Read below for a track-by-track breakdown accompanied by each of the sixteen TMIF tracks.

Support and purchase TMIF via and obtain the accompanying TMIF: 5D Reality book.

01. Intro

01. Intro

“There’s just some things beyond comprehension / how can one be so used to existence / yet not know where the start or the end is? / all is all / and forever is your moment / through many different lenses”

The Intro sets the tone for TMIF. Ask questions, stake a claim in one’s own life, take control of the mind, body and spirit and recognize fears, failures and the future. As good of an ‘intro’ track as ever; incredible beat behind knowledge.

02. Space

02. Space

“Travel through my soul / reach for the unknown / stories left untold / I just gotta know / the journey is my own / I die alone / might as well explore”

What begins as brooding is belied by the eventual tonal shift from dark to uplifting. Bent displays a deft mastery of alternating emotion depending on vocal placement; here, his somber “this is what the deep space sound like” is stacked and contrasted by the melodic primality within his background urging of the same line.

03. Hell

03. Hell

“Pray that the angels will bless me / pray that the demons won’t get me / pray that God won’t forget me / pray that I’ll love all my lessons”

A brilliant display of the beat matching the subject matter. Bent observes and ultimately rails against internal strife and is backed up by Crosby’s thumping bass and chaotic sonic details.

04. Drown

04. Drown

“I’m sick and tired of hiding from myself / all the problems I done felt / all the cards that I’ve been dealt / hold the fire / I won’t melt”

An early standout, “Drown” is one of many TMIF examples of embracing emotional honesty, recognizing doubt and fear while maintaining a steadfast defense against self-destruction.

05. Sex

05. Sex

“My mind’s not on future nor the past / right here in the present / all we have’s the moment”

Reminiscent of dead prez’ “mind sex” from 2000, Bent doesn’t actually deviate from the album’s theme of self-exploration, whereas the partner in Bent’s love song is her higher mind.

06. Game

06. Game

“Lost and aimless / it’s all patience / now we living life on edge / my lucid dreams continue when I wake up from bed / The Moment Is Forever / that’s what stay in my head / ‘cause we just players within a game that never ends”

As with several TMIF tracks, “Game” flips a modern style and morphs it into Bent’s signature consciousness flow. This is a New Age trap anthem focused on self-improvement and perseverance.

07. You

07. You

“All I see is only you / you’re always true”

Mid-album, Bent slows the tempo to profess singular love over a patient but prescient instrumental. Ambient and floating, Crosby’s production shines.

08. Heaven

08. Heaven

“In my corner there’s no dark / took some growing / took some heart / every moment’s filled with God / where we going is where we start”

Bent urges the audience to find, cherish and honor their God within. Before the track fades, Bent asks for promises to ensure that not just his legacy but the message behind his mind lives on. Beautiful track.

09. Human

09. Human

“This ish was never bout who right or wrong / everyone hurting / our history long / for me, I’m for you / let us stand arm in arm / to start a new world / gotta claim what is ours / I’m only human / forgive me for all the times I did you wrong / I’m only human / growing and learning how to carry on / I’m only human / lend me your guidance when I may get lost / I’m only human / ‘cause we’re all remembering that we are Gods / and yet we’re still human”

Another spaced-out trap banger, “Human” explores super-deep concepts such as universality, morality and the evil capabilities shared by mankind. A sincere and honest confidence is needed to express such truths; Bent never preaches, just presents.

10. TMIF

10. TMIF

“Let ‘em forget you / if it means that they’ll accept you / be the person you’re meant to / not everyone gets to”

Amongst the best tracks on the entire project, “TMIF” is infectious, harmonious and precisely on time. Channeling the vocal style of Corbin — another brilliant future superstar — Bent is at his best with patience and love.

11. Thankful (outro)

11. Thankful (outro)

“Yeah, the road has been the longest / that’s for everyone / but it turned me to the strongest / in the long run / I faced all my inner darkness / just to find the sun / it all came from being honest / with myself”

Superb beat, Crosby shines again while providing Bent an appropriately soulful beat to pour his gratitude over. Eleven tracks in, Bent proves capable of matching tonality without sacrificing art or his delivery.

12. Violence

12. Violence

“People out here looking for new ideas I know / striving every day to help and heal the globe / shining my own light like chandelier I glow / can’t be scared of whatever happens next / I bold”

What initially sounds like a prototypical braggadocio track about gun violence, Bent puts his now-expected shift on the literal overkill of gangsta-ism. “Finna save the planet / less death, more life” is the mantra — and the track still knocks.

13. Islands

13. Islands

“This here a vibe I want for the rest of my life / but if it’s a moment, girl / then let’s make it all night”

Fully expect this track to dominate Summer 2019, “Islands” is amongst the most re-playable songs in the last several years. “Islands” also offers a different type of cut for fans — a light-hearted but seriously-catchy dance track showing love to Bent’s Caribbean roots.

14. Desire

14. Desire

“Righting my wrongs / growing everyday / evolve / learning that it’s okay to say I’m sorry / learning that everyone go through they faults / and that’s just a part of learning who we are / seeing myself through other people’s angles / letting my demons turn to people’s angels / see the full spectrum / it look like a rainbow / the happiness hold no value without anger / experience life full”

“Desire” breaks into some of the challenges faced when crafting TMIF — while Bent is proud of his perseverance, he’s clearly vexed over doubters and non-believers. If nothing more, Bent stresses self-belief.

15. Triumphant

15. Triumphant

“This ain’t for myself / this for my brothers, man / this for all my sisters / all my mothers, man / this for every kid who plotting up the plans / do you understand?”

The amount of pure hard work, attention to detail and care required to be a successful independent artist is not lost on Bent — he provides inspiration and insight for future stars to craft their path on the journey to artistic success.

16. Heartless

16. Heartless

“And really you never know / what the world might hold / oh, trust as the story goes / you will find what’s yours / and you will refine what’s pure / the love it will take you home”

What a beat to end the project on. “Heartless” is another soulful palate over which Bent can take his time, breathe and find himself still in search of himself. Neither a high or low note thematically to close TMIF, “Heartless” proves Bent is a winner for searching and leaves the door open for the next stop on his exploration.

c/o Omari Spears

Written By: Matteo Urella / December 2018


A sincere thank you to Omari Spears for the incredible photo.

