“Podcast” For Posterity

Matthew Marshall
2 min readMay 30, 2017


Recently, I’ve been thinking about preserving moments of thought/views/opinions so that my future self/future family generations can “time travel” back to Matthew of May 29th, 2017, for example. There’s so much happening at New Story, in life, and the world that it’s hard to even remember what I was thinking a couple months ago. Writing, of course, is a great way to record thinking/views/opinions, however, writing has a large barrier (at least for me) and is hard to record long/many thoughts at once.

Podcast As a Medium for Preservation

This is where the format of a podcast seems to serve as a great medium of recording lots of information while reducing the barriers to doing it. Another benefit of audio is that future generations of your family can listen and gain a richer understanding of you. I’d absolutely love to hear a “podcast” from my grandfather Marshall. He was a WWII veteran, home builder, and general well of wisdom. I was 9 when he passed away and his wisdom/thoughts left with him. Of course, much of his wisdom was given to my father and then to me, but I would find an audio recording from him a true treasure.

Not Sharing Publicly

The “podcast” wouldn’t be for the general public as that would require much more time and effort to make it presentable. The other benefit of not sharing with the world is that the podcast can be vulnerable and real as the pressure sharing publicly would not be there.

The first “episode” will be with my friend Barrett, of Portland, Oregon, and Sean, of NYC as we go backpacking in Oregon. I’m excited to record a moment in time and then listen back in 5, 20, 50 years.

