The ARK Community is Amazing. Here are 5 Examples why.

It’s time to highlight our great community!

Matthew DC
4 min readMar 29, 2017

Today officially marked the beginning of Delegate Forging Rewards and our hard working delegates will now be rewarded for running the network nodes that power the ARK. The initiation of rewards was an exciting time for our delegates and we can’t wait to see how the 51 forging positions shake out.

Throughout this process, our community has continued to grow and flourish and we have added some extraordinaire members who are already doing amazing things for ARK. I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some community members who have stepped it up a notch in one way or another to show the kind of community contributions that I think are critical to the ARK development cycle.

Each of the following community members received a personal TIP from me in the amount of 500 ARK for their awesome work. These tips were sent from within the official ARK Slack using our ARKbot tipping system. Want to win free ARK? Do something great for the community or for ARK, post it in Slack, or enter my current “DOTY Design Contest” for a chance to win 1,000 ARK!

ARK Community Spotlight

Okinawa — Delegate Name: doom

Delegate Account // Delegate Proposal

This community member has been hard at work developing videos about ARK for release on his Youtube Channel. He has done an introduction video, a video about mainnet launch, as well as a hilarious anime opening video featuring the ARK Crew. This is the kind of stuff we love to see and I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next!

Jamiec79 — Delegate Name: jamiec79

Delegate Account // Delegate Proposal

This community member has been around from the beginning and has been a great presence within our slack channel. He’s always helpful to new members and we wouldn’t be the same without him. He has recently started up an ARK News site at and has even posted a couple of Q&A sessions from the team. I look forward to seeing what he writes up next and really like his style.

Kiashaan — Delegate Name: kiashaan

Delegate Account // Delegate Proposal

Kiashaan made the list for thinking outside of the box when it comes to structuring his delegate. His delegate proposal offers a 70% profit share and was well thought out, but what really caught my eye was that he was offering a custom Mousepad for his supporters. Now that is getting in the spirit of ARK and I love it!

Dafty — Delegate Name: dafty

Delegate Account // Delegate Proposal

Dafty is a key member of the ARK Community and is one of our community developers. He is literally working on too many things to even post them all here but is best known as the developer of ARKbot and our Slack tipping system. That alone is worth a spot on this list. Just reading the title of his delegate proposal tells you all you need to know: Profit Share Pool with Monthly Bonus! (Arkbot — Tipbot — Faucet — ArkStats — Telegram Integration).

Toons — Delegate Name: arky

Delegate Account // Delegate Proposal

Toons is another community developer and is the creator of ARKY — A Python Framework for ARK. The ARKY-CLI that he developed is currently being used to power the automation of the majority of the profit sharing pools in the delegation and he has made huge contributions to ARK in just a short time. We are really excited to have him around and can’t wait to see how ARKY will mature over time.

Until Next Time…

Want to be featured in a post like this and earn some ARK? Then join our slack, get on twitter, start brainstorming ideas in our forums, and make something amazing happen. Whether it be a great contest idea, artwork, music, programming, writing, whatever your talent, I’m positive there is a way you can contribute and we want to help you find it. You never know who I am going to tip next, it could easily be YOU!

Side note: This is just a small portion of the great work happening in the ARK community but I had to narrow it down to keep the post from becoming a novel. If you didn’t make it on this one, make sure I see your contributions so I can highlight it next time!

Side side note: Don’t forget to enter the DOTY Design Contest for a chance to win 1,000 ARK. You have until April 1st to enter.



Matthew DC

Lover of Blockchain, Father of Munchkins, & Chief Strategist at