Matthew Handel
4 min readJun 3, 2020

June 2nd, 2020 Reflection

Thank you for clicking on this post. This is a reflection of an event that has changed my life forever.

On June 2nd, 2020 I was fortunate enough to have attended a peaceful protest in my local area. It was a protest to support justice for George Floyd and countless other innocent black lives that have been taken from this Earth without justice.

I documented this experience by taking videos and pictures, but I wanted to make sure it was an appropriate time and place to post them.

I did not want to post on social media because I don’t want this post to feel like a photo opportunity, self-fulfilling activity, or anything of that nature.

Social media has been a confusing place for many of us. It’s been a two-sided coin. One side is full of helpful information, much-needed storytelling, positive actions of change, and raw truths that need light. The other side is a much darker place. The darker side of social media consists of misinformation, hate, deceit, and excuses. The thing is, the time for excuses is up. The time to sit on the sidelines has run out. This is an issue of right or wrong. Hate or love. Justice or injustice. These issues deserve to be heard.

I want these images and videos to live forever. Not only to remind us of where we are and where we need to go but to also remind us how strong we can be as one. One group of beautiful souls that one day will all have a fair chance to be who we want.

I have never felt such a wide range of emotions from one event in my life. Yes, I’m young. But, I’ve felt. Nothing comes close to June 2nd, 2020. There were moments of sadness, love, connection, fear, pride, hope, and countless other emotions that rattled my core.

As much of an impact as this one day has had on me, I hope this energy continues. I hope we yell from the top of our lungs how wrong the black community has been treated. I hope that we don’t just have dialog when it’s convenient on social media. I hope that when this energy starts to settle down we bring it right back up.

This won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

Everyone deserves equal opportunities to be the best version of themselves they can. Sadly, that’s not happening in our country right now. This has to change.

I hope you find value in these pictures. I love each of you who took the time to read this.

Educate yourself. Listen to people tell their stories. Get involved. Would you like to be on the right side of history? I hope you choose yes. If so, let your voice and your actions be a tool in creating necessary change.

Below are some resources I have found extremely helpful in my effort to educate myself during these times and beyond. These don’t even begin to scratch the surface of how many helpful resources there are to help educate and inform you.

Accounts to follow:

Things to Watch:

Books to Consider:

Black. Lives. Matter.