Mattia ManzatiHow to reuse Redux components?HIGH ALERT! The code provided in this article is highly experimental and could be soon provided as a reusable library.Oct 5, 20166Oct 5, 20166
Mattia ManzatiinReact WeeklyBuilding a React & MobX application with MVVMToday, we’ll deep dive into building a full TodoEditor with MobX and React, starting from the basics and ending with some considerations.Aug 27, 20165Aug 27, 20165
Mattia ManzatiUniversal JS Day — 16 April, Ferrara (Italy)Hi all! Today I want to share with you all a side-project I started a couple of months ago. I am trying to start a JS community in my city…Mar 2, 2016Mar 2, 2016
Mattia ManzatiTips to handle Authentication in Redux #2 introducing redux-sagaAfter about 5 month from my first article Tips to handle Authentication in Redux, I think it’s time to share with you all how the actual…Feb 28, 20169Feb 28, 20169
Mattia ManzatiTips to handle Authentication in ReduxIn the last few days I started to write a big app in react-native using the great redux by @gaeron.Sep 26, 20157Sep 26, 20157