Joe Biden is the Best Republican in the Race

Mattias Lehman
5 min readApr 26, 2019

If Biden is the next nominee, Republicans have won the political debate, because even when they lose, Democrats will push their beliefs for them. On almost every major issue that Democrats should care about, Biden has been on the wrong side of that issue throughout his career, and at least one of the other Democratic candidates has been on the right side of that issue.

If during the era of #MeToo we choose another man who can’t keep his hands off of women who haven’t consented to his touch (and then who jokes about it) who says (of Roe v Wade):

I think it (Roe v Wade) went too far. I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body” — Joe Biden

If we choose him, we clearly don’t care about women.

If during the era of #BlackLivesMatter, when we have finally acknowledged the impact of mass incarceration on black communities, we choose a man who didn’t just vote enthusiastically for the 1986 and 1988 Drug War Acts, but also wrote the 1994 Crime Bill, and continues to hold that:

marijuana legalization is a mistake” — Joe Biden



Mattias Lehman

Democratic Party Delegate, Black Lives Matter, Proud Social Democrat, Aggressive Progressive —